Ranking Criteria : Marks ► Faculty= 25 ► Research Output=25 ► Students=20 ► Facilities available=15 ► Finances=15
Total No. of Faculty Members ► having PhD Degree =6 ► % of faculty having PhD Degree =4 No. of faculty members No. of faculty members ► having M.Phil/ M.Sc, (Hons) =2 ► Students: Teacher Ratio =5 ► Awards( National/International) won by the Univ/DAI =2 ► Funds obtained through competitive grants per faculty member =2 ► No. of Trainings (6 months or more ) for faculty members =4 1. Faculty (Maximum Marks = 25)
2. Research Output (Maximum Marks =25) ► No. of Indexed Journals published =2 ► Research Papers published per year in Indexed Journals/Patents /Varieties (Av. of last 3 years) =6 ► Total # of PhDs produced per faculty member =2 ► Total # of M.Phil / M.Sc. Produced per faculty member = 1
Continued ► Total Impact Factor =2 (to be approved) ► Impact factor of Publication per faculty member (to be approved)=2 ► Papers presented (and published) at Refereed International Conferences =1 ► Papers presented (and published) at refereed local conferences =1
Continued ► No. of Books published by reputed publishers =1 ► Sponsored symposia/Seminars/ Workshops and conferences organized: ► National =1 ► International=2 ► Funds received through International/ National Collaborative Research Grants =4
3.Students (Maximum marks = 20) (except for Business Schools) No. of students passed per year (Av. Of last 3 years): ► Up to 16 years of education =4 ► 16+ Master (Hons)/ M.Phil=4 ► Ph.D. =5 ► %age of applicants having more than 60% marks ( it will be 70% for =3 engineering/Medical institutions) ► Student selectivity =4
3 (a). Students-Business Schools (Maximum marks = 20) No. of students passed per year (Av. Of last 3 years): ► Up to 16 years of education = 3 ► 16+ Master (Hons)/ M.Phil= 3 ► Ph.D. = 3 ► %age of applicants having more than 60% marks =4 ► Student selectivity = 7
4. Facilities Available (Maximum Marks=15) a) Library Facilities ► No. of Books/Journals in Library =2 ► Academic space per student =3 Laboratory Facilities: ► Bandwidth per student =1 ► Number of PCs per student =2 ► Number of PCs per faculty member =1 ► Equipment costing > Rs. 1 million per piece (Give list of major equipments) (excluded for =2 Business-Schools) Number of laboratories for Practicals=2
c) Sports c) Sports No. of teams participating in Intervarsity =1 Position of the univ in the Intervarsity sports =1
5. Finances ( Maximum Marks = 15) ► Amount spent on Research/Library as %age of the total budget=4 ► Amount generated through own Resources=2 Expenditure per Student: ► Recurring in % =5 ► Non Recurring in % =4