EA and IT Infrastructure - 1© Minder Chen, Stages in IT Infrastructure Evolution Mainframe/Mini Computers Personal Computer Client/Sever Computing Web-based enterprise applications Cloud Computing/mobile device
EA and IT Infrastructure - 2© Minder Chen, The network is the computer "Sun has always been very early, and often way too early with a lot of our ideas. For example, in the '80s we were preaching that the network is the computer. Shame on us for not summing it up in one word – cloud. To sound a little Al Gore-ish we invented open source, but we went a little too aggressive over the last four years.“ –Scott McNealy
EA and IT Infrastructure - 3© Minder Chen, On the Cloud The cloud symbol is often used as a notation as a network in the a system architecture diagram.
EA and IT Infrastructure - 4© Minder Chen, # of Data Centers in America? 7,000 Economist Survey on IT, 2008 Vertualization
EA and IT Infrastructure - 5© Minder Chen, % of Utilized Server Capacity on Average? 6% IDC, 2008 Service Utilization
EA and IT Infrastructure - 6© Minder Chen, Over Provisioning = Waste Demand Capacity Time Resources 6
EA and IT Infrastructure - 7© Minder Chen,
EA and IT Infrastructure - 8© Minder Chen, Without Virtualization All require same power All emit same heat All require physical space Setup, (re-)configuration Maintenance, support…
EA and IT Infrastructure - 9© Minder Chen, With Virtualization Flexibility Rapid provisioning Disaster Recovery High Availability Automation Systems Management integration Adaptive Datacenter
EA and IT Infrastructure - 10© Minder Chen, Definition of Cloud Computing The NIST definition of cloud computing: Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. The ability for end users to utilize parts of bulk resources and that these resources.
EA and IT Infrastructure - 11© Minder Chen, Characteristics of Cloud Services NIST identifies several characteristics for a service to be considered “Cloud”: On-demand self-service: The ability for an end user to sign up and receive services without the long delays that have characterized traditional IT. Broad network access: Ability to access the service via standard platforms (desktop, laptop, mobile etc). Resource pooling: Resources are pooled across multiple customers. Rapid elasticity: Capability can scale to cope with demand peaks. Measured Service: Billing is metered and delivered as a utility service can be acquired quickly and easily.
EA and IT Infrastructure - 12© Minder Chen, Deployment Models: Cloud Computing Private cloud, Community cloud, Public cloud, Hybrid cloud Source:
EA and IT Infrastructure - 13© Minder Chen,
EA and IT Infrastructure - 14© Minder Chen, Platform Continuum Bring your own machines, connectivity, software, etc. Complete control Complete responsibility Static capabilities Upfront capital costs for the infrastructure Renting machines, connectivity, software Less control Fewer responsibilities Lower capital costs More flexible Pay for fixed capacity, even if idle Shared, multi-tenant infrastructure Virtualized & dynamic Scalable & available Abstracted from the infrastructure Higher-level services Pay as you go On-Premises Servers Hosted Servers Cloud Platform
EA and IT Infrastructure - 15© Minder Chen, PaaS Software as a service (SaaS) Google AppEngine Amazon's EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Fulfilled by Amazon
EA and IT Infrastructure - 16© Minder Chen, Fulfilled By Amazon Source:
EA and IT Infrastructure - 17© Minder Chen, The End Backup Slides
EA and IT Infrastructure - 18© Minder Chen,
EA and IT Infrastructure - 19© Minder Chen, How it works
EA and IT Infrastructure - 20© Minder Chen,
EA and IT Infrastructure - 21© Minder Chen, Pricing
EA and IT Infrastructure - 22© Minder Chen,
EA and IT Infrastructure - 23© Minder Chen, What Happened? Amazon Web Services cloud problems affect Foursquare, HootSuite, Reddit technology/2011/04/amazon- web-services-server-problems- affect-foursquare-hootsuite- reddit.htmlhttp://latimesblogs.latimes.com/ technology/2011/04/amazon- web-services-server-problems- affect-foursquare-hootsuite- reddit.html
EA and IT Infrastructure - 24© Minder Chen, Who Are on the Cloud?
EA and IT Infrastructure - 25© Minder Chen,