ICDS Annual Program Implementation Plan (APIP) FY 2012 -13 Department of Child Development Government of West Bengal
Profile of West Bengal GENERAL INFORMATIONS Area (Sq. Kms) 88,752 Districts 19 Divisions 3 Sub-Divisions 66 Blocks 341 Gram Panchayats 3354 Pachayat Samitis 333 Zilla Parishads 17 Municipalities 120 Municipal Corporations 6 Mahakuma Parishad (Siliguri) 1 Villages 40782
Profile (Contd.) DEMOGRAPHIC PARTICULARS Population 91347736 Male 46927389 Female 44420347 Rural (%) 68.11 Urban (%) 31.89 Scheduled Castes (%) 23.0 Scheduled Tribes (%) 5.5 Sex Ratio (females per 1000 males) 947 Child Population (0-6yrs): 1011599 (B: 5187264, G: 4925335) Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years) (girls per 1000 boys) 960 Population density (per sq. km) 1029 Decennial Growth Rate, 2011 (%) 13.93 Total Literacy Rate: 77.08% Female Literacy Rate: 71.16%
Nutrition & Health Indicators Trends between NFHS 2 to NFHS 3 West Bengal NFHS 3 All India Children Underweight (0-35m ) Improved by 7.7% point 37.6 45.9 Stunting (0-35m) Improved by 8.6% point 41.8 38.4 Wasting (0-35m) Worsened by 1.95% point 19.2 19.1 Breast fed within 1 hour of birth (0-3 y) Worsened by 1.3% 23.7 23.4 Exclusively breast fed (0-6 m) NA 58.6 46.3 Fed semi-solid food & breast milk at 6-9m Improved by 9% 55.9 55.8 Anaemia in children 0-35m 69.4 79.2 Children 12-35 m received one dose of Vitamin A in last 6 months Improved by 25% 48.1 21 IMR Improved ( 33 as per SRS 2009) 31(SRS 2010) 47
Nutrition & Health Indicators (contd.) Trends between NFHS 2 to NFHS 3 West Bengal NFHS 3 All India NFHS 3 Women Anaemia in married women 15-49 yrs Worsened by 1.19% 63.8 56.2 Anaemia in pregnant women Worsened by 6.3% 62.6 57.9 Pregnant women consumed 90+IFA in last pregnancy NA 24.3 22.3 Maternal under-nutrition 15-49 yrs (BMI <18.5) Improved by 6% 37.7 33 MMR Worsened ( 141 as per SRS 2004-06) 145 (SRS 2007-09) 212 (2007-09)
Organizational Structure of ICDS Programme Management Department Directorate District ICDS Cell/Office (DPO) ICDS Project (CDPO) Sector (Supervisor) Anganwadi Centre (AWW) Secretary, Department of Child Development CDPO
Expansion of ICDS in West Bengal ICDS Projects – Sanctioned 576 ICDS Projects – Operational * 573 AWC - Sanctioned 116390 AWC – Operational * 112432 Operationalization of ICDS projects in West Bengal Operationalization of AWCs in West Bengal * As of March, 2012
Human Resources : Salaries & Honorarium Details # of Vacancies Timeline Department - Directorate 14 Sept, 2012 District Level 27 Project Level 4051 Dec, 2012 AWC Level 25896 Estimated Budgetary Requirement: Salaries & Honorarium Total Budget (Rs.) Central Share (Rs.) State Share (Rs.) 12181066150* 7252136864 4928929286* * Includes Additional Honorarium of Rs.3609501300 and Ex- gratia of Rs.517235000 to AWW & AWH by state
POL, Procurement & Supplies, AWW TA & Contingency Component Total Budget ( Rs.) Central Share (Rs.) State share (Rs.) POL 200460000 180414000 20046000 Office Expense & AW contingency 93666600 84299940 9366660 Office furniture ( non – recurring) 24090000 21681000 2409000 Procurement of material 496364100 446727690 49636410 RRT & travelling , AWW TA 508566000 457709400 50856600
Status of Services : SNP A Hot cooked meal (khicri and egg) was provided to all pregnant and lactating women and children 6 months – 6 years under SNP Target group Unit cost per beneficiary/ day (Rs.) Central Share State share Total Severely Malnourished children (6-72 months) Rs. 3.00 Rs. 6.00 Pregnant & lactating mother Rs. 2.50 Rs. 5.00 Other children Rs. 2.00 Rs. 4.00 Rice, & egg curry containing one full egg and potato for 3 days in a week and rice, dal, vegetables and Soya nuggets for rest 3 days have been introduced by State Govt. in June, 2012 under SNP of ICDS for children (6 months to 60 months), P&L women in view of escalation in market price of food commodities, enhancement in financial norm of SNP is required to meet nutrition value as specified for each category of beneficiary
Trends in Coverage of SNP
Allocation and Expenditure for SNP Year Funds Allotted (`) Expenditure (`) State Share Central Share Total 2010-11 325950645 344483883 670434528 3385111884 3324646382 6709758266 2011-12 3692107149 4016145000 7708252149 3002049216 3601090279 6603139495
SNP ( for children , P&L women ) * Budget for SNP Component Total Budget (Rs.) Central Share (Rs.) State share (Rs.) SNP ( for children , P&L women ) * 11371378500 5685689250 Fuel & condiments 900000000 Total 12271378500 6585689250 * For Adolescent girls, fund allocation of Rs.1032054000 additionally would be required for nutrition component of which central share would be Rs. 516027000 and State share Rs. 516027000
Growth Monitoring / Promotion and Child Nutrition Status Use of new WHO child growth standard to identify nutritional status of children Relevant supplies (Growth registers, weighing scales) provided by the Department MCPC being supplied by DH&FW, GoWB under NRHM VHND used as a platform for enhanced coverage of services through tracking Left out / Drop outs Number of Children available in the AWC No. of children weighed in the AWC Nutrition status (as per WHO new growth standard in %) Means of Verification Normal children Moderately Underweight children Severely Underweight children Total 7650696 5674883 4121585 1450454 102847 ICDS MPR, March, 2012
Plan and Budget for PSE Plan for 2012-13: Supply of PSE kits to AWWs as part of strengthening PSE Guidebook on new curriculum of PSE in regional language for all AWWs Training to roll out new curriculum of PSE in collaboration with PBSSM, Deptt. of School Education ( Primary) and UNICEF Budget (Rs.) Total Budget Central Share State Share 128090000 115281000 12809000
Plan and Budget for NHED Plan for 2012-13: Strengthen community knowledge and practice through Mother’s meetings and Home visits by AWW Use VHND to strengthen NHED / counselling sessions of women, children and adolescents Cost for mobilization and monitoring during VHND budgeted for the state Scaling up of Positive Deviance approach to improve community level child care behavior with NRHM/ DH&FW fund Incentive to AWWs & AWHs @ Rs.40/- & Rs.20/- per AWC Mobility Support to District & Project Total Budget for VHND during 2012- 13 (Rs.) Central Share State Share 43200000 21768000 64968000
Immunization: Plans Planning and review of immunization coverage at 3rd Saturday meeting jointly with ANM Also use VHNDs as opportunity to improve coverage through effective mobilization and planning Key role in strengthening ‘community mobilization’ for the RI program Mobilization of community during Pulse Polio Program
Plan and Budget for Health Check-ups Plan for 2012-13: Supply of ‘Medicine Kit’ to all AWWs for treatment of minor ailments of children and women Supply of IFA tablets to AWWs for treatment of Anaemia in women and Ags in collaboration with Deptt. of Health Identification of cases for appropriate referral to health facility Target Number of AWCs Fund required for Medicine kit (Rs.) 116390 Total Budget Central Share State Share 69834000 62850600 6983400
Referral Services: Plans Strengthening referral and management of Severe Acute Malnourished children at NRCs Capacity building of AWWs for community level identification of severely undernourished children to health facility Linkage with community management with Facility based care for nutrition rehabilitation of children VHNDs to act as platform for identification of cases for referral Capacity building of AWWs to detect disabilities in young children for referral
Plan and Budget for IEC Budget: 2012-13 ( Rs.) Plan for 2012-13 Develop ‘Behaviour Change Communication Strategy’ (BCC) with focus on nutrition outcomes Multiple media mix - TV & Radio, hoardings/ banners/ Flex would be used Events of importance like World Breastfeeding week, Nutrition week etc. to be observed. Visibility and propagation of ICDS services to increase community understanding Supply of IEC kits to AWWs on health and nutrition issues to strengthen home visit/ Mothers’ meeting at Interpersonal level Total Central share State 127802500 115022250 12780250
Plan & Budget for M&E Plan for 2012-13: Introduction & Roll-out of new ICDS MIS. Setting up of Monitoring & MIS Cell at state. Introduction of Accreditation Strategy in identified districts Budget (Rs.) Total Budget Central Share State Share 267697000 240927300 26769700
Plan and Budget for Training / CB Plan for 2012-13: Job training for AWWs Inter state Best Practices Exposure visit Workshop on new Developments in ICDS Training to roll out Revised ICDS MIS Budget (Rs.) Total Budget Central Share State Share 217330575 195597518 21733057
Key notes of implementation Review and redesigning of PSE curriculum initiated with the help of National & State level experts and increased convergence with Deptt. of School Education (Primary) Introduction and Roll-out of the new ICDS MIS Introduction of buffer stock zone for uninterrupted SNP at AWC to ensure mandate of 300 days of feeding Piloting of IVRS for tracking SNP coverage in one project (Rishra Konnagar) of Hoogly district Public awareness building on ICDS through multiple media mix Improved convergence with DH&FW for planning and implementation of Immunization, Health check up, Referral and NHED Strengthening MIS cell for improved M&E Introduction of ‘Accreditation Strategy’ in identified districts to strengthen Supervision and monitoring of ICDS for better provisioning of service delivery Reach out to the ‘out of school’ Adolescent Girls in selected backward district for Anaemia Prevention & Control in collaboration with DH&FW
Summary of Budget for FY 2012-13 Component Total Budget ( Rs.) Central Share (Rs.) State share (Rs.) Salary & Honorarium, ( including state contribution of Ex gratia, Addl. Hon to AWWs ) 12181066150 7252136864 4928929286 POL 200460000 180414000 20046000 Office Expense & AW contingency 93666600 84299940 9366660 Office furniture ( non – recurring) 24090000 21681000 2409000 Procurement of material 496364100 446727690 49636410 RRT & travelling , AWW TA 508566000 457709400 50856600 SNP to Children and P&L women (including state contribution of fuel / condiments) 12271378500 5685689250 6585689250 PSE 128090000 115281000 12809000 NHED / VHND 64968000 Health Check up 69834000 62850600 6983400 IEC 127802500 115022250 12780250 M&E 267697000 240927300 26769700 Training / CB 217330575 195597518 21733057 Total 26651313425 14923304812 11728008613
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