Lesson Plan –Area, Perimeter and Volume APP Mental and Oral Starter Use mini white boards to ask pupils to calculate areas and dimensions of different shapes. Slides 6 – 9. Main Activity Explain to pupils that they work for a Landscape Gardening Company. Explain that their task is to come up with two designs for a raised flower bed which has an area of 24cm 2. Refer to the starter activity as a reminder of how to do this. Give pupils the ‘Client’s Stipulations’ sheet with the additional information about the cost of the wall and the soil. Also provide the step by step instructions to break the task down for students. Students should produce two flower bed designs clearly showing all their working out. Plenary Ask pupils to complete the pink APP sheets. Objectives and Habits of Mind Level 4 / 5 Produced a scale drawing of a Rectangular Design flowerbed, calculated the perimeter and volume. Level 6c Produced a scale drawing of a Triangular Design flowerbed, calculated the perimeter and volume. Level 6b/6 Produced a scale drawing of a Kite or Parallelogram Design flowerbed, calculated the perimeter and volume. Level 7Produced a scale drawing of a Circular or Trapezium Design flowerbed, calculated the perimeter and volume. Keywords Cross Section, Dimension, Length, Width, Height, Prism
Probing Questions Level 4 Find areas by counting squares and part squares of shapes drawn on squared paper. How do you go about finding the perimeter of a shape? How are the perimeter of a shape and the area of a shape different? How do you remember which is which? Level 5 Find any one of the area, width and length of a rectangle, given the other two. Find the area and perimeter of simple compound shapes made from rectangles. For a given area (e.g. 24cm 2 ) find as many possible rectangles with whole number dimensions as you can? How did you do it? Always true, sometimes or never true? ‘If one rectangle has a larger perimeter than another one, then it will also have a larger area.’ Level 6 Calculate the area of triangle and parallelograms The area of a triangle is 12cm 2. What are the possible lengths of the base and height? Why do you have to multiply the base by the perpendicular height to find the area of a parallelogram? You can use a diagram to explain your answer. What other formulae for the area of 2D shapes do you know? Is there a formula for the area of every 2D shape?
Probing Questions Level 7 The cross section of a skirting board is the shape of a rectangle, with a quadrant (quarter circle) on the top. The skirting board is 1.5cm thick and 6.5cm high. Lengths totalling 120m are ordered. What volume of wood is contained in the order? Talk me through the steps you took when finding the surface area of this right prism. If you know the height and volume of a right prism, what else do you know? What don’t you know? How many different square-based right prisms have a height of 10 cm and a volume of 160 cm 3 ? Why? What do you need to know to be able the find both the volume and surface area of a cylinder?
RAG Formula, volume, area, perimeter, prism LO To design a feature flower bed and calculate the cost of the build 15-Aug-15 Starter Activity Complete the never heard the word grid
Key WordsNever heard before? Heard of but not sure what it means? Know what it means and can explain it in context Jot down your ideas here... Polygon Length Width Height Perimeter Area Formula Circumference Pi
8cm 4cm What’s my Area? 80cm 2 What are my dimensions?
6cm 5cm What’s my Area? What are my dimensions? 30cm 2
6cm 5cm What’s my Area? What are my dimensions? 3cm 100cm 2
What’s my Area? What are my dimensions? 78.5cm 2 4cm
RAG Formula, volume, area, perimeter, prism LO To design a feature flower bed and calculate the cost of the build 15-Aug-15 Learning Objectives :- To produce a scale drawing To calculate perimeter, area and volume. To substitute values into a formula.
You will know that you have achieved this when You have produced a scale drawing of your flower bed 2.You have calculated the length of the wall 3.You have calculated the amount of soil needed to fill the flower bed 4.You have calculated the total cost. Level 4 / 5A Rectangular Design Level 6cA Triangular Design Level 6b/6aA Kite or Parallelogram Level 7A Semi Circle or Trapezium
The Task You work as part of a landscape gardening company. A client has approached you to design and give a quote for a raised flower bed. They have a few stipulations which you need to follow. In your pairs you need to come up with two designs and give a quote for the cost of materials for each one.
The Client’s Stipulations The flower bed must have an area of 24m 2, but it can be any shape. The raised bed needs to be surrounded by a brick wall. It needs to have a depth of 50cm (0.5m) and be filled with soil.
The Client’s Stipulations: The flower bed must have an area of 24m 2. The raised bed needs to be surrounded by a brick wall. It needs to have a depth of 50cm (0.5m) and be filled with soil. What You Need To Do: 1.Come up with two designs for the raised flower bed that are different shapes. Draw a scale diagram of each design with dimensions shown. 2.Calculate the length of wall that will be required to go around the garden. 3.Using the information on your information sheet calculate the cost of the wall. 4.Calculate the volume of your raised flower beds. 5.Give a quote for the cost of soil. 6.Present your two designs with final quotes for each design on a poster that could be presented to the client. They are picky customers and will want to see the calculations made. It costs £20 per metre for a 50cm high wall. Soil costs £40 per cubic metre.
24cm 2 Extension task. Use one of these flower bed designs 24cm 2
Today’s Task Chose a shape for your flower bed which will have an area of 24m 2 Draw a scale drawing of your flowerbed, showing all measurements. Calculate the length of the wall of your flowerbed by finding the perimeter. Work out the cost of your wall. Calculate the amount of soil needed by finding the volume of your flowerbed. Work out the cost of your soil. Work out the total cost for the wall and the soil. Do the same for a different shaped flowerbed..
Your will assess each others work on: The presentation of their ideas and designs. The presentation of their calculations and results. The accuracy of their calculations.
Our Rectangle Design Steps3 & 4 - The Wall The perimeter of my design: P = 2 x x 8 = 22m Cost= 20 x 22 = £440 Steps 5 & 6 - The Soil The volume of our garden: V = area x depth = 24 x 0.5 = 12m 3 Cost= 12 x 40 = £480 Area A = 3 x 8 = 24m 2 Steps 7 - Total Cost Wall£440 Soil£480 TOTAL£920 Our first design is a rectangle shaped raised garden. The final cost will be £920. Steps1 & 2 – The design
levelShape/Space/Measure 8I understand the difference between formulae for area, perimeter and volume by considering dimensions. 7I can calculate volumes and surface area of prisms and cylinders. 6I can find the area of triangles, kites, parallelograms, trapeziums and circles. I can use formulae for the volume of cuboids. I can find the volume and surface area of cuboids. 5I can find the area of rectangles, squares and triangles using a formula. 4I understand the difference between area and perimeter and I can find the area and perimeter of shapes by counting squares. 3I can find the perimeter of a shape by counting squares. Tips / Hints
My teachers comment My teachers question is My answer is......
To be a better learner I could Less HelpfulMore Helpful Work Faster / do moreStay on task. Be neaterClearly show my working out. Try the harder onesPut my hand up to ask a question when I don’t understand. Talk lessMake sure that when I am talking to the people on my table, I am talking about the Maths. Listen more when the teacher is talking.Contribute answers and questions during the explanation part of the lesson.