Annual Project Implementation Plan, Integrated Child Development Scheme Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra Statistics, Census 2011 The population of Maharashtra increased from million ( 2001) to million (2011) ◦Makes it the second most populous state in the country, after Uttar Pradesh Decadal growth rate of population of Maharashtra state is 15.99% The literacy rate has increased from 76.9 % to 82.9 % (by 6.0 % points) during ◦Gender gap in literacy rate is continuously decreasing and currently it is 14.3% points (Male-89.8 & Female-75.5) ◦The literacy rate for Maharashtra state is second highest in the country among the major states The Sex ratio (females per 1000 males) is 925 for the state ◦The child sex ratio (0-6 years, females per 1000 males) is 883 for the state
Programme coverage in Maharashtra No. of ProjectsTotal: 553 Rural: 364 Urban: 104 Tribal: 85 No. of AWCs1,05,694 (AWCs -95,648 & Mini AWCS-10,046 ) Population of 0-6 years of children (as per census 2011) 1,28,48, yrs children covered under ICDS 81,80,595 Pregnant & Lactating women covered under ICDS 15,65,920
As per the vision statement of the DWCD, GoM, the key areas of focus have been outlined below: Focus on first 1000 days i.e. -9 months to 24 months to improve nutrition of pregnant women and young children. Implementation of ICDS through universalization with quality focused on the poorest and vulnerable. Adoption of New Growth standards in the State. Vision Statement
Setting up of the Rajmata Jijau Mother- Child Health and Nutrition Mission Phase- II with renewed focus on first 1000 days effective from September Take Home Ration Focus on Under two years of age children To prevent intergenerational malnutrition cycle, focus will be given on adolescent girl’s nutrition & education and mother’s empowerment on child health & nutrition.
State Initiatives Rajmata Jijau Health and Nutrition Mission (The Mission) supported by UNICEF to address under nutrition for -9 to 24 months Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) IYCN as an integrated package through BPNI,addressing anaemia among adolescents with convergence with Health & Education Dept. The SNP guidelines have been revised where the cost per child and the calories allocated have gone up. Take Home Ration is also introduced which makes it convenient for working mothers and adolescent girls.
State Initiatives Maharashtra conducts the Biannual Deworming ( months) and vitamin A supplementation (9-59 months) round which has ensured a coverage of >75% among children under 5 since The challenge is to the reach the unreached pockets in tribal and peri-urban areas. Maharashtra SCERT has developed an ECE curriculum which will be in place in the entire state. At present the State is piloting the process in 3 districts with support from UNICEF and the State Centre for Education Research and Training (SCERT). ◦Lots of NGOs are also doing good work in the field of ECE, such as Centre for Learning Resources (CLR), Gram Mangal, etc.
State Initiatives - IEC Television Serial- ‘DeshacheDhan’ in 26 episodes is being telecast on DD Sahyadri. ◦The Serial episodes focused on the ICDS services. Monthly newsletter – “Aamchi Aanganwadi” is on the latest schemes, anecdotes and stories from the field. Community Growth Charts: is an important communication tool which is used by the Aanganwadi worker to promote the community participation in child health care.
Innovations Malnutrition free village campaign ◦ implemented by Rajmata Jijau Mother-Child Health and Nutrition Mission. Crèche scheme ◦implemented through Gram Panchayat and is operational 6 tribal districts on pilot basis with budgetary allocation through tribal department. Mobile Anganwadi project ◦for migrated population was initiated by Ahmadabad District.
Training In Maharashtra there are 35 AWTC and 4 MLTC. ◦Affiliated to National Institute for Public Co-operation & Child Development (NIPCCD). ◦Managed independently by NGO’s. Training Best Practices: ◦Training Software: The ICDS Commissionerate as part of the online MIS system has developed a Training software. This Software is linked to the MPR. The software provides a database of the status of all the ICDS field functionaries which includes their date of joining, date of retirement, Job training status, refresher training due status. Resource Centres: ◦There is a proposal to develop Resource Centres at various levels in Maharashtra for improving the quality of ICDS Services.
Monitoring & Evaluation Proposed Innovations in M&E: GIS-MIS Online ICDS MIS will be revamped to include software that will provide basic analysis of key indicators. Third party evaluation, external mid-term evaluation of the project. The evaluation studies would be taken on some important outcome indicators like nutritional status, ECE and process indicators like initiation of breast feeding, exclusive breast feeding, complementary feeding), anemia in adolescent and pregnant women etc, which will help in correcting the intervention strategies for better results.
Commissionerate In Maharashtra there is only one department which is WCD. Both WCD and ICDS schemes are implemented by this department. There is a common Commissioner for both the units and Commissionerate has now been shifted to Pune.
Principal Secy Commissioner WCDICDS 6 Revenue Divisions Dy. Comm Dy.Comm (6 Posts)
Staff Positions: (As on Feb 2012) Staff CategorySanctionedIn-positionVacancy Gap (in %age) CDPO % ACDPO Supervisors % AWWs97,46293, % AWH97,46289, % Mini AWW10,9018, %
Office infrastructure at State/District/Block level: (Proposed) There are no ICDS offices building at the state / district /block / Sector level. There is a requirement for own office building at all levels. There is a need to make a blueprint of these buildings for all levels. There should be a resource centre at the CDPO level / project area. This place could also be used as meeting hall with the AWWs. There is no office space for the Supervisors at sector level. They go to CDPO office for weekly meetings and visit AWCs on other days. There is a requirement for a office building for them at the beat level for beat level meetings with the AWWs. This could serve as a storage place and serve as a resource centre as well.
Proposed actions under organizational structure 1. Suggested norms for recruitment Committee: There is a need to decide the norms (standardized) for the recruitment of AWW / AWH by GoI and strictly applicable to all states. The committee for recruitment should consist of officials. (To check the documents and applications as well as merit list of AWWs/AWHs). The selection may be made on specific natural marks (such e.g., education, experience, caste category, additional qualifications, etc). 2. Proposed Administrative set up for Maharashtra: ◦The project office has to manage a huge budget of 3- 5 crores. Currently there is no special staff for handling the accounts at the project level. Thus, we propose to have one accountant at each project office i.e. 553 account officers at 553 projects. ◦Now with roll out of MIS, there is a need of 33 data entry officers at 33 district cells and 3 data entry operator at state level for right management of data.
Additional Budgetary allocations for additional staff: Proposed Posts LevelNo. of Posts Approx. annual Salary Total estimated Budget AccountantState level13 lakh3 Lakh AccountantDistrict Cell333 lakh99 Lakh AccountantProject5533 lakh1659 Lakh Data Entry operator State level33 lakh9 Lakh Data Entry operator District Cell333 lakh99 Lakh Statistical assistance District Cell333 lakh99 Lakh
Proposed activities Mothers meetings: ◦a concept of mother support group for the newly married, pregnant women and first time mothers. Special efforts to improve birth outcomes: ◦state plans to replicate the model implemented in Andhra Pradesh in the 11 NRLM districts for improved birth outcomes, maternal nutrition and child nutrition through creation of district federation and strengthening of self-help groups. THR (take home ration packets) by SHGs model ◦Request GoI to drop the condition of 'extrusion' process, SHGs can prepare roasted THR with a shelf-life of about 20 days. Cash transfer (De-centralization) model ◦State is working on a proposal to pool out 50 paisa from the allocated funds per day per child to give the anganwadi worker for local purchase of seasonal fruits and vegetables or any other food items. Younger age group model (0-5year) ◦5 to 6 year olds to go to schools, not AWs. AWs to take in 2 to 5 year olds, rather than 3 to 6 year olds. Thus, GoI should allow states to keep such flexibility for admission criteria in AWs. Effective utilization of funds model ◦department plans to propose a decentralized purchase of nutritious food items like milk, eggs, banana, potato, groundnut-jaggery, dates etc. at the village level AWC model to Crèche/ Day care center model ◦It has been seen that many mothers go to work on the field leaving behind their children. As per the Government directives, 5% AWC would be converted to Day care centers. Department plans to have a focused approach in enrolling children between 15 months to 3 years. Requesting GOI to provide for extra budgetary funds for this initiative To be implemented through NGOs /GPs/Municipal Corporations/PPP.
1 Supplementary nutrition Sr. No Type of Beneficiaries Kind of food quantityCentral Share State Share Per Day per Beneficia ries kind & quantity of food under state governments Navsanjivan Yojana Per Day per Beneficia ries 16 Month to 3 years General Children ú 500 Calories & 12 to 15 gm Proteins (THR) Rs Rs3.00 (old rate Rs.ý2.00 ) Rs (Old Rate Rsý4.00) 600 Calories & 15 to 18 gm Proteins Rs years to 6 Years General Children 500 Calories & 12 to 15 gm Proteins (Hot Cook Mealü) Rs Rs3.00 (old rate Rs.ý2.00 ) Rs (Old Rate Rsý4.00) 600 Calories & 15 to 18 gm Proteins Rs Month to 3 years Severely Under Weightú 800 Calories & 20 to 25 gm Proteins ( THR & Hot Cook Mealü) Rs 3.00Rs 4.00 (old rate Rsý3.00 ) Rs7.00 (Old Rate Rsý6.00) 950 Calories & 23 to 28 gm Proteins Rs Pregnant & Lactating Mother 600 Calories & 18 to 20 gm Proteins (THR) Rs 2.20 (Old Rate Rs.ý2.5 0) Rs 3.50 (Old rate rs ý2.50) Rs 6.00 (Old rate rsý5.00) 700 Calories & 21 to 24 gm Proteins Rs Adolescent Girls600 Calories & 18 to 20 gm Proteins (Hot Cook Mealü) Rs 2.00 Rs Calories & 21 to 24 gm Proteins Rs SABLA Yojana 11 Dist. Adolescent Girls 600 Calories & 18 to 20 gm Proteins (THR) Rs 2.50 Rs Calories & 18 to 20 gm Proteins (THR) Rs 5.00
Kind Of Food Sr. No Kind Of FoodAge Group 1Take home Ration6 Month To 3 Years 2 1) Snacks - Morning 2) Hot Cook Meal - Afternoon 3 Years to 6 Years 3Take home RationPregnant & Lactating Women 4Take home Ration Additional food to Severely Underweight Children of 6 months - 6 years 5Hot Cook Meal3 Adolescent Girls Per Anganwadi Centre 6 Take home ration to Adolescent Girls under SABLA scheme School dropout Adolescent Girls of years of age and all Adolescent girls of years of age
Pre- School Education- Beneficiaries (MPR May 2012) BoysGirlsTotal Rural Tribal Urban Total Actual Attendance ( 3 to 6 Years )
Thank you Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Maharashtra