ATLAS GridKa Cloud F2F meeting in Prague Jiří Chudoba Institute of Physics, Prague Monthly Meeting,
Date and place fixed o o Institute of Physics, Na Slovance 2, Praha map walking distance from metro Ladvi (C line) o Hotels: please book individually list of hotels not far from the place o Pension M: o Hotel Excellent: o Hotel Troja: o Hotel Duo: list of hotels in the city centre (recommended hotels for a conference in June 2012, prices may vary): o =article&id=50&Itemid=56 =article&id=50&Itemid=56 o transport from the city centre is easy by metro, takes 20 to 30 minutes
To decide, To do Indico pages, registration (Jiri) conference fee 40 Euros to cover 2 coffee breaks, 1 dinner and 1 lunch o to discuss: lower fee (up to 0) with less services included place for dinner not yet chosen