Information Literacy and Virtual Libraries Virtual Libraries Bo Gerner Nielsen Nordisk sommerskole om informasjonskompetanse Reykholt – Island, 11. – 15. juni 2007
The structure of this presentation Introduction Integration of web 2.0 Bo Gerner Nielsen
Introduction 1/3 “To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” (ALA 1989) Bo Gerner Nielsen
Introduction 2/3 Cultural role in collecting, storing, and communicating ideas and materials Social and intellectual role Access to information resources as well as human resources (Marchionini & Maurer, 1995, p.68) Bo Gerner Nielsen
Introduction 3/3 Incorporating our knowledge in the systems will render our professional competencies visible Building web based tutorials Using thesauri and classification systems for browsing Building subject guides Sharing electronic ressources Interacting with users through wikis, blogs and chat Sharing and communicating through rss and podcast..other possibilities / options Bo Gerner Nielsen
The structure of this presentation Introduction Integration of web 2.0 Bo Gerner Nielsen
Integration of web 2.0 – wikis Wikier – supports information seeking, knowledge sharing, communication, reflection. Ohio University Library Wiki ( _Page) _Page Library Instruction Wiki ( handouts, tutorials, collaboration Library Success ( Innovative ideas for discussionhttp:// Bo Gerner Nielsen
Integration of web 2.0 – blogs Blogs – supports knowledge sharing, discussion, creativity, interactivity, reflection. The Information Literacy Land of Confusion information about and discussion of user education, information literacy and search engines Alkek Library Information Literacy Blog ( news, podcasts, rss The Blogging Libraries Wiki ome_to_the_Blogging_Libraries_Wiki ome_to_the_Blogging_Libraries_Wiki Bo Gerner Nielsen
Integration of web 2.0 – rss RSS – supports information seeking by update / alerting, communicating and sharing of ressources. Librarycasting SE ( rss-feeds for tutorials Kansas City Public Library, - a combination of subject guides and rss giving updates if anything new is added to the guidehttp:// Video explaining why and how to use rss Bo Gerner Nielsen
Integration of web 2.0 – podcast Podcast – supports communication of ressources and events, asynchronous learning programmes. Talis – subjects in relation to the information society ( HigherEdBlogCon example of podcast on information literacy ( iteracy.html) iteracy.html Bo Gerner Nielsen
Integration of web 2.0 – Mashups Mashups – supporting information search proces, communicating and sharing ressources, interactivity, discussion. OPACs Prototype ( – mashup of: bibliographic data, highlighting, user reviews, related information from Wikipedia, analytic searching and browsinghttp:// New York Public Library prototype ( integrating personalised functions known from Amazon via gadgets from Librarythinghttp:// University of Winnipeg ( integrated courses, tutorial and toolbar. Bo Gerner Nielsen
Concluding remarks A growing number of users expect higher degree of service and access The need for managing the increasing flow of information requires an increased need for a systematic and critical approach New combinations of technologies giving new and improved possiblities to support our users New technologies giving us new improved ways of collaborating with faculty and with each other Bo Gerner Nielsen
The end.. Thank you Comments or Questions? Bo Gerner Nielsen
Litterature American Library Association (1989). Presidential Committee on Information Literacy Final Report. Lokaliseret på WWW Benson, A. and Favini, R. (2006). Evolving Web, Evolving librarian. Library Hi Tech News 23 (7), Lamb, B. (2004). Wide open spaces. Wikis Ready or not. TheWayItWasMeantToBe. Educause September/October s Available at: Macaskill, W., & Owen, D. (2006). Web 2.0 to go. Proceedings LIANZA Conference 2006, Wellington(NewZealand). Maness, J. (2006). Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries. Webology, 3(2), Article 25. Available at: Marchionini, G. & Maurer, H. (1995). The roles of Digital Libraries in teaching and Learning. Communications of the ACM, 38(4). Bo Gerner Nielsen
Integration of web 2.0 – wikis
Integration of web 2.0 – blogs
Integration of web 2.0 – rss
Integration of web 2.0 –podcast
Integration of web 2.0 – mashups