Chapter Twelve Traditional Advertising Media
Media Vs. Vehicles Media The general communication methods that carry advertising messages e.g., television, magazines, newspapers, etc Vehicles Specific broadcast programs or print choices in which advertisements are placed e.g., Friends, NBC Evening News, Time, Cosmopolitan 2
Advertisers attempts to select the media and vehicles whose characteristics are most compatible with the advertised brand in reaching its target audience and conveying its intended message Traditional Major Advertising Media Out-of-home advertising MagazinesRadio Newspaper Television 3
Which Media Do It Best? Media Comparison Things to Consider: 4
Out-of-Home (Outdoor) Advertising >$5 Billion per year Regarded as supplementary Examples: 5
Out-of-Home (Outdoor) Advertising 400,000 billboards in the US Designed with name recognition as the primary objective Two major forms: (1) (2)
Billboard Advertising Alongside highway and heavily traveled locale Silk-screened or lithographed Sold on a monthly basis Poster PanelsPainted Bulletins Hand painted directly on the billboard Purchased for 1-3 year period To achieve a consistent and relatively permanent presence
Billboard Advertising Example of a poster panel 8
Billboard Advertising Example of a painted bulletin
Billboard Advertising Restaurants and Liquor: * *Other advantages and limitations of outdoor medium: See text 10
Newspapers 60 million households during week and nearly 62 million on Sundays Historically leading advertising medium but declining in recent years
Newspaper Audience in right mental frame Mass audience coverage Flexibility Ability to use detailed copy Timeliness Clutter Not highly selective Higher rates for occasional advertisers Mediocre reproduction quality National Buying complicated Changing composition of readers
Magazine Advertising Hundreds of special - interest magazines 13
Buying Magazine Space Rolling Stone adult demographic profile
Buying Magazine Space Rolling Stone General Rate Card
Magazine’s Can reach large audiences Selectivity Long life High reproduction quality Detailed information possible Convey information with authority High involvement potential Not intrusive Long lead times Clutter Limited geographic options Circulation patterns vary by market 16
Simmons Market Research Bureau and Mediamark Audience size and composition for 100 publicationsAudience size and composition for 100 publications Broadcast exposure and usage of over 800 consumer products and servicesBroadcast exposure and usage of over 800 consumer products and services Lifestyle informationLifestyle information Media usageMedia usage
Television Advertising What % of all households have televisions? Uniquely personal and demonstrative yet expensive 18
Television Market product nationally Major networks(ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC) Expensive but can be a cost efficient means to reach mass audience Syndicated Network Spot Cable Local 19
Television Advertising is placed only in selected markets Regional-oriented marketing and geodemographic segmentation of consumer markets Syndicated Network Spot Cable Local 20
Television Syndicated programming occurs when an independent company markets a TV show to as many network-affiliated or cable TV stations as possible Syndicated Network Spot Cable Local 21
Television 80% of households with television sets Narrow areas of viewing interest Cable subscribers are more economically upscale and younger Syndicated Network Spot Cable Local 22
Television Local advertisers are turning to television inexpensive during the fringe time Syndicated Network Spot Cable Local 23
Television Demonstration ability Intrusion value Ability to generate excitement One-on-one reach Ability to use humor Effective with sales force and trade Ability to achieve impact Escalating costs Erosion of audience Audience fractionalization Zipping and zapping Clutter
See Text Radio Informercials Product Placements “How to Buy” details More to Come: »Audience Measurement