1 TAFE – Australia’s Great Public Asset TDA – Its Role 4 Issues: Capability Autonomy Upper Secondary Skilling Higher Level Skills
2 The Issue - Capability Always difficult – claim and counter claim Simple equity based proposition What We Want: TAFE Endowment Fund same as Universities Used for depreciation on buildings and equipment – ad hoc grants Emphasis on IT infrastructure and related services – renewal onshore and widening reach offshore
3 The Issue - Funding Why Do We Want It? Equitable – TAFE as important as Universities Improved infrastructure (esp. IT) will lead to expanded access to VET Improve access will lead to a better skilled Australia and sustained economic growth and social cohesion.
4 The Issue - Higher Level Qualifications and Skilling What We Want: TAFE Institutions offering degrees HECs places extended to TAFE undergraduate degrees Amendment of HE protocols to create permanent University Colleges.
5 The Issue - Higher Level Qualifications & Skilling Why We Want It? TAFE student population the most diverse of all TAFE students accessing higher education -- through TAFE can alter socio – economic structure of Australian Higher Education Australia needs applied degrees Higher education serves clients, lifts status and mix of programs in TAFE
6 The Issue – Skill Development Upper Secondary Level What We Want: Increased school retention rates Student wanting to undertake skills training Vocational Centres in TAFE Institutions
7 Characteristics of Vocational Centres Bright vibrant location Separate but use TAFE facilities Well funded General and vocational education Literacy and numeracy – fundamental skill Pastoral care and counselling Social partnerships Applied learning Builds esteem
8 The Issue - Skill Development Upper Secondary Level Why We Want It? Australia needs skilled community, and skilled workforce Young people who choose vocational education over academic education deserve the same opportunities Could improve apprenticeship retention rates Effective use of the TAFE infrastructure fund
9 The Issue - Autonomy What We Want: A streamlining of management arrangements for TAFE Institutes The creation of semi autonomous TAFE Institutes characterised by: Board Governance All staff including Director employed by the Institute Board Self determination and accountability within a policy context of government owned Institutions
10 The Issue – Autonomy Why We Want It? More responsive and agile Institutions Effective use of infrastructure funds would need Institutes to manage their own assets More accountability
11 The TDA Position -- Balancing Tertiary Education What We Want: Steps to create a fairer and more balanced tertiary education Better responds to needs of students, school, industry and community Lift government success dealing with workplace participation Adoption of these strategies can assist in tying into the future skills needs of Australia Advocacy to create dynamic contemporary VET system with TAFE Institutes as its centrepiece