October 2014. National leadership for TAFE through: Advocacy Policy development Members Services  Research and publications  Tuition Assurance Scheme.


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Presentation transcript:

October 2014

National leadership for TAFE through: Advocacy Policy development Members Services  Research and publications  Tuition Assurance Scheme  National Scholarships Foundation International engagement

TAFE delivers VET qualifications from Certificate 1 to Advanced Diploma to over 1.2m students each year 20 of our institutes offer Higher Education Bachelor and Masters degrees with 5,000 enrolments in 2014

Formal agreements and associations:  American Association of Community Colleges  Association of Community Colleges Canada  Association of Colleges (UK)  Chile Ministry of Education  China Education Association for International Exchange  Commonwealth Secretariat, UK  Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa  Community College Baccalaureate Association  India Ministry of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Labour and Employment  Indonesian Ministry of Education & Culture and Ministry of Manpower &Transmigration  InterAmerican Development Bank (Habilidades para la Productividad)  Kasipkor Holdings, Republic of Kazakhstan  Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training  Mixed Economy Group (UK)  Mongolian Ministry of Education  UNESCO UNEVOC  World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics.

 AsiaBound student mobility workshops  Asian Business Engagement Projects – Myanmar leadership program and Offshore Partnership models  Australia/China Skills Centre with CIVTE  China Leadership Program (VELT)  India Vocational Mentoring Program  Indonesia Train the Trainer (with Booz Allen Hamilton)  International Green Skills network (USA, China)  Kazakhstan curriculum and teacher development  Latin American seminars & workshops (six countries)  TAFE Higher Education Network (USA, Canada, UK, China)  Taiwan consultancy services in TVET reform & teacher training.

1. Consultancies and partnerships  Teacher training  TVET systems  Competency based training  Curriculum development  Industry engagement  Resource development 2. Study tours  High level short term (3 to 5 days)  Institute & college tours (5 to 10 days)  Professional development (10 to 30 days)

3. Staff and student exchange programs  Short term  Semester  Academic year 4.Course delivery in another country - TAFE/local Institute partnerships  Stand alone provision  ‘Twinning’ programs  ‘Auspicing’ programs

TAFE Survey 2013 (funded by Austrade) 22 institutes – 161 offshore partnerships NCVER data 2013 Partnerships (Top 6)Offshore students China9142,097 PNG15831 South Korea7862 Malaysia4781 Singapore4464 India3241 Indonesia3109 Student enrolments onshore: 20,374 (as at December 2014) Student enrolments offshore: 57,122 (as at 2013)

For more information, please contact: Peter Holden Director International Engagement TAFE Directors Australia (direct office line)