October 2014
National leadership for TAFE through: Advocacy Policy development Members Services Research and publications Tuition Assurance Scheme National Scholarships Foundation International engagement
TAFE delivers VET qualifications from Certificate 1 to Advanced Diploma to over 1.2m students each year 20 of our institutes offer Higher Education Bachelor and Masters degrees with 5,000 enrolments in 2014
Formal agreements and associations: American Association of Community Colleges Association of Community Colleges Canada Association of Colleges (UK) Chile Ministry of Education China Education Association for International Exchange Commonwealth Secretariat, UK Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa Community College Baccalaureate Association India Ministry of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Labour and Employment Indonesian Ministry of Education & Culture and Ministry of Manpower &Transmigration InterAmerican Development Bank (Habilidades para la Productividad) Kasipkor Holdings, Republic of Kazakhstan Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training Mixed Economy Group (UK) Mongolian Ministry of Education UNESCO UNEVOC World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics.
AsiaBound student mobility workshops Asian Business Engagement Projects – Myanmar leadership program and Offshore Partnership models Australia/China Skills Centre with CIVTE China Leadership Program (VELT) India Vocational Mentoring Program Indonesia Train the Trainer (with Booz Allen Hamilton) International Green Skills network (USA, China) Kazakhstan curriculum and teacher development Latin American seminars & workshops (six countries) TAFE Higher Education Network (USA, Canada, UK, China) Taiwan consultancy services in TVET reform & teacher training.
1. Consultancies and partnerships Teacher training TVET systems Competency based training Curriculum development Industry engagement Resource development 2. Study tours High level short term (3 to 5 days) Institute & college tours (5 to 10 days) Professional development (10 to 30 days)
3. Staff and student exchange programs Short term Semester Academic year 4.Course delivery in another country - TAFE/local Institute partnerships Stand alone provision ‘Twinning’ programs ‘Auspicing’ programs
TAFE Survey 2013 (funded by Austrade) 22 institutes – 161 offshore partnerships NCVER data 2013 Partnerships (Top 6)Offshore students China9142,097 PNG15831 South Korea7862 Malaysia4781 Singapore4464 India3241 Indonesia3109 Student enrolments onshore: 20,374 (as at December 2014) Student enrolments offshore: 57,122 (as at 2013)
For more information, please contact: Peter Holden Director International Engagement TAFE Directors Australia (direct office line)