Toot Hill School Preparing for the move to Toot Hill School JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
kind What kind of school will your child be joining? A vibrant and ambitious school, focused on the A, B, C s! Achievement Behaviour Children JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Achievement JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION NationalNotts. Toot Hill 2009 Toot Hill 2010 CVA A* - Cs 67%63% 99.6% 100% 5+ A* - Cs inc. English & Maths 50%47% 65% 75%
Behaviour respect for all Our expectations are based upon respect for all. firm caring supportive We are firm, but caring and supportive. zero tolerance We have a zero tolerance to bullying shared responsibility We believe that learning is a shared responsibility. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
year groups Pastoral care – year groups tier groups Organising children for learning – tier groups JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION Children
Head of Year – Mr. Burrows Achievement Coordinator – Miss Pearce Tutor Team Learning Support Team Plus: school nurse, pupil counselling, breakfast club, peer mentors JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION Care Children and their Care
Learning Children and their Learning Tier Groups Pupils are organised into Tier Groups, depending upon: Key Stage 2 levels Key Stage 2 levels - 40% Cognitive (PIPS) Test Cognitive (PIPS) Test – 40% Attitudinal profile Attitudinal profile – 20% JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
no fixed number There are no fixed number of classes in any given tier. setted In some subjects, like Maths and English, pupils are ‘setted’ specifically for that subject. together In other subjects, like P.E., pupils from different tiers are taught together. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION Tier Groups
Movement between tiers There is a review of pupils’ academic progress and effort every six months. Some pupils will move through the tiers at a faster rate, while others may take a little longer. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Tier Groups YEAR a3a 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c 5d 8 2a4a5a 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b 9 GCSE JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION Tiering Overview
Successforall Success for all setting pacechallenge There is setting across most tier groups in key subjects, ensuring the pace and challenge of learning is maintained for all pupils. mixture equivalent of 8 grade Bs At key stage 4, pupils from our ‘middle’ tiers opt for a mixture of traditional GCSEs and vocational courses. On average this secures them the equivalent of 8 grade Bs. Over 70%opt Over 70% of our pupils opt to return to Toot Hill College at 16, to continue their education. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
highest tiers Learning in our highest tiers pacechallenge ready The pace and challenge of work enables pupils to be genuinely ready to start GCSEs early. Our pupils are already proving this! broaden the best universities This will enable us to broaden their curriculum and experiences to prepare them for the best universities. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Extra Support where it is needed most small groups additional support Pupils are taught in small groups, where we concentrate our additional support. skills for life There is a high focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills for life. vocational courses equivalent of 8 grade Cs At key stage 4, we offer a range of vocational courses, allowing pupils to secure, on average, the equivalent of 8 grade Cs, and the option to join the College. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
on track Keeping pupils ‘on track’ JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION Our tracking systems are highly developed, and monitor pupils’ progress in modules, coursework and lessons. Senior staff work very closely with our Achievement Coordinators & Performance Directors. Extra support: mentoring, one-to-one tuition, classes, etc.
picture Keeping you in the picture reports 3 reports every year (one in each term) Tutor Review Days 2 Tutor Review Days, in September and March parents’ evening 1 subject based parents’ evening in November Planner, s and texts JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
The curriculum 2 year Key Stage 3 3 year Key Stage 4: English (literature & language) Maths Sciences 4 options P.E., R.E., I.C.T. & P.S.H.E. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Timetable School Timetable Monday –Thursday – 8.30am – 3.30pm – 8 lessons Friday – 8.30am – 2.10pm – 6 lessons Subjects are taught in either single or double lessons Timetable review planned for September 2011 JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Some lesson highlights English, Maths & Science 5 lessons per week of English, Maths & Science P.E. 3 hours per week of P.E. Music Instrument tuition for all Year 7 pupils in their Music lessons – (Violin, Guitar or Voice) JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Wider Opportunities Specialist Schools subjects… Arts, Business & Enterprise Sports Teams, Music groups and School productions The Junior and Senior Academies Activities Week Trips & Visits; including Hagg Farm, German and French exchanges, Poland (Auschwitz), Holland (Football) and our Year 10 residential trip to a university. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
Provisional Transition Timetable 22 nd & 23 rd September 2010: Year 6 Open Evenings October 2010: Final Application Date March 2011: Cognitive (PIPS) Test 1 st March 2011: National Allocation Date June 2011: Head of Year 7 visits Primary Schools Tuesday 21 st June 2011: Year 6 Orientation Morning. Finding your way around the school. Tuesday 28th June 2011: Year 6 Induction day. Experience a day of lessons at Toot Hill School. Wednesday 29 th June 2011: Meet your child’s tutor. JTM/PRIMARY/THS TRANSITION
SUBJECTYEAR 9YEAR 10YEAR 11 MainExpressMainExpressMainExpress ENGLISH Critical Thinking AS Level MATHEMATICS AS-Level modules: Maths / General Studies SCIENCE or 8 6 Extended Project AS Level ICT BTEC Diploma (= 4 GCSE) -22 ICT 1st Cert. (=2 GCSE) or Enterprise (=1 GCSE) 4 Or 4 - (ICT only) -2-2 RE – short course Short-2 Full PSHE 11111/2 (COPE)1 PE OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION TOTAL38 This represents when the final assessment will take place and the number of lessons. The pattern over 3 years at KS 4 may look like: KEY STAGE 4 from SEPTEMBER 2010