Teacher Development Broward County Public Schools Matching Aspiring Teachers with Teacher Mentors Office of Talent Development formerly known as HRD
Purpose Accessing and Navigating the FE System Teacher Maintenance Placements Monitoring Next Steps
Accessing and Navigating the System The System is accessed via:
Creating a Username and Password Click “New Here? – Sign-Up
Field Experience System How to register “User Name” in system: USER NAME: Should be something user can remember. Click the “Available?” button. If available, a message will appear in green indicating user name is available or a red message will display indicating user name is NOT available. PASSWORD: Enter password then confirm by typing it again. Enter address you use, system will send an to this address to confirm account activation. User must go to and click or copy and page URL provided. PASSWORD QUESTION: Click on a question from the drop-down menu. This information will be used to allow for password resets that will be sent to your address. PASSWORD ANSWER: Enter answer to PASSWORD QUESTION selected above. ROLE: Click on the role you place in the FE System from the drop- down menu. You will be prompted to select your school. Click the SUBMIT button. If SUBMIT button is grayed out, click the AVAILABLE? button again then click SUBMIT. USER NAME: Should be something user can remember. Click the “Available?” button. If available, a message will appear in green indicating user name is available or a red message will display indicating user name is NOT available. PASSWORD: Enter password then confirm by typing it again. Enter address you use, system will send an to this address to confirm account activation. User must go to and click or copy and page URL provided. PASSWORD QUESTION: Click on a question from the drop-down menu. This information will be used to allow for password resets that will be sent to your address. PASSWORD ANSWER: Enter answer to PASSWORD QUESTION selected above. ROLE: Click on the role you place in the FE System from the drop- down menu. You will be prompted to select your school. Click the SUBMIT button. If SUBMIT button is grayed out, click the AVAILABLE? button again then click SUBMIT.
Field Experience System Contact Belinda after verification message is received: “ is Confirmed. Account activation is pending approval.” You are now able to log in using the User Name and Password you created.
Field Experience System School Home Page Add Teachers View Placements Edit the Desktop
Teacher Maintenance Teachers are selected Continue to update teachers as needed Clinical Educator status – feature is in production
Adding Teachers Review Click on Teacher Maintenance icon. Click the drop-down box to retrieve your school.
Adding Teachers Review Click on the drop-down menu to select a teacher:
Adding Teacher Review Click on the drop-down menu for Grade and select all that apply:
Adding Teacher Review Click on the drop-down menu for Subj Area:
Adding Teacher Review Click on the drop-down menu for Type: Select all that apply.
Adding Teacher Review You will drag and drop or double-click to select the appropriate subject including General Education for Elementary level. Then click Save
Editing Teachers Locate existing teachers by performing a Search:
Editing Teachers All teachers will appear on the left side of the screen:
Editing Teachers Highlight teacher on left-hand side and make changes in Add/Edit/Search Teacher box on right-hand side. Click Save.
Teacher Maintenance Situation: Incomplete view of window Click maximize button. If this does not resolve the sizing, a screenshot to Belinda K. Williams.
Placements To Search Placements click Placements on homepage:
Placements Placing a field experience student with a cooperating teacher: 1. Click on the "Placements" icon on your homepage 2. Select your school from the drop-down menu 3. Click "Search" 4. Highlight the student on left-hand side of screen 5. Select Teacher from the drop-down menu on right-hand side of screen 6. In Note: Type “Placed” or decline reason 7. In Placement: Select "Place" or "Decline” from the drop-down menu 8. Click "Save” 9. Repeat steps 3 – 8 for the next placement
Placements In the top panel choose School and click Search:
Placements Students status will appear:
Placements Highlight student to place with teacher:
Highlight teacher for placement: Placements
Note input: at this time you will need to add a brief comment here (e.g. Placed or decline reason) and click Place or Decline and Save
Communication with BCPS and Student To student: 1. Highlight student 2. Click on Contact tab 3. Add Subject 4. Compose 5. Send
Timeliness of Placement Acceptance 5 working days Placements are ongoing ~ please logon FE System daily Monitor timeliness via the History tab Field Experience System
Monitoring Timeliness It is important check how long the placement of a student is taking:
What do you need to do now? 1. Continue to add cooperating teachers to Field Experience System as needed 2. Monitor Field Experience System daily! 3. Ask for help – all schools have assigned Teacher Development support staff 4. Call: Belinda K. Williams 5. Be patient Ongoing Process
Teacher Development Support Staff