Driving Directions via Mapquest Get directions from anywhere to anywhere on your cell phone
Operational Concepts Gets driving directions just like on mapquest.com Marketed towards end consumers Doesn’t display maps – just text directions
System Requirements Cell phone Supports java Has internet/server access Mapquest must be online
System Architecture Midlet inputs query from user Midlet sends query to servlet Servlet sends query to mapquest.com Mapquest.com returns directions to servlet Servlet parses directions, returns them to midlet Midlet displays directions for user
Lifecycle Plan Small initial development Midlet is very simple Servlet has some complexity, but is very feasible given the short time frame Future support could be problematic Mapquest may change its query format, requiring changes to the servlet
Feasibility Rationale This idea is feasible Servlet prototype went smoothly – the data we need is easily accessible Parsing may be tricky, but is doable There is a market for this product