UNRRAVELD A reading technique toA reading technique to make you more aware of themake you more aware of the text you are reading.text you are reading.
The steps of UNRRAVELD Underline the title.Underline the title. Now survey the text and make predictions.Now survey the text and make predictions. Run through & number the paragraphs.Run through & number the paragraphs. Read the questionsRead the questions Are the important words circled or underlined?Are the important words circled or underlined? Venture through and read the passage.Venture through and read the passage. Eliminate unlikely answer choices.Eliminate unlikely answer choices. Let the questions be answered.Let the questions be answered. Double check your work.Double check your work.
Underline the title.Underline the title. How does this help me?How does this help me? It helps me predict what the selection might be about. It helps me prepare for what I am about to read.It helps me prepare for what I am about to read. It allows me to begin making connections.It allows me to begin making connections.
Now survey the text and make predictions. How does this help me?How does this help me? Surveying the text helps me understand the structure (Narrative/Expository) Making predictions helps me to connect the selection with what I already know. Making predictions helps me set a purpose for reading and keeps me focused as I test my predictions.
Run through and number the paragraphs. How does this help me?How does this help me? When I locate answers, I can write the paragraph next to the question quickly. The numbers remind me to stop and summarize or monitor comprehension after each paragraph. It helps me organize the text on the paper and in my head.
Read the questions.Read the questions. How does this help me?How does this help me? Pre-reading the questions helps me focus on the important information. Pre-reading the questions saves me time so I don’t have to hunt for answers. I can use the numbered paragraphs to help locate answers quickly.
Are the important words circled or underlined? How does this help me?How does this help me? Circling important words helps me locate the important information quickly. Circling important words helps me focus on the information the question is asking me to find. Circling important words helps me focus on the type of question: Right There, Author and Me, or On My Own Circling important words also helps me stay focused on my purpose for reading the selection.
Venture through and read the selection. How does this help me?How does this help me? This is the fun part of reading. I can now enjoy the selection.This is the fun part of reading. I can now enjoy the selection. I can track my thinking in the margins to keep me focused on the text. I can track my thinking in the margins to keep me focused on the text. I can stop at each paragraph number to summarize or monitorI can stop at each paragraph number to summarize or monitor my comprehension. I can use fix-up strategies if I don’t understand.
Eliminate unlikely answer choices.Eliminate unlikely answer choices. How does this help me? How does this help me? Eliminating unlikely answer choices makes it easier to locate the correct answer. Eliminating unlikely answer choices allows me to have less choices in case I am unsure of the correct answer. I have to consider each answer choice before deciding if it should be eliminated.
Let the questions be answered.Let the questions be answered. How does this help me? How does this help me? Using all of the previous steps, answering the questions should be a piece of cake! I MUST circle my answer in my test book before bubbling my answer sheet!
Double check your work!Double check your work! How does this help me? How does this help me? I can re-read parts of the selection or the questions to clear up any confusion during my first reading. I can double check that I’ve answered each question (and if I have a bubble sheet I can check that the correct answers are marked).