Trans Fats and You Family and Community Leaders 2006 Lesson Plan Prepared by Rhonda Matthews County Extension Agent
What is a trans fat? Trans fats are created when a liquid fat is heated in the presence of hydrogen to turn it into a solid fat. This is called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation causes fat to be shelf stable for longer periods of time.
What effect does trans fat have on your health? Trans fat acts similar to saturated fat. It causes your cholesterol levels to increase. High cholesterol levels are directly linked to coronary heart disease.
What foods contain trans fats? Typically, items such as Snack crackers Pastries and Cookies Butter, Margarines and Vegetable Shortenings Foods fried in partially hydrogenated oil Beef, Lamb, Cheese, Some milk products
How can I tell if there is trans fat in the food I eat? Read the nutrition facts label! As of January 1, 2006, manufacturers are required to include trans fat on the nutrition facts label for new stock.
How much are we eating? FDA estimates that the average daily intake of trans fat in the U.S. population is about 5.8 grams for a person 20 years old or older.
Should we stop eating trans fats completely? Reduce cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat levels to low levels as recommended by your doctor or CDE or RD. Your overall fat intake is important to your body’s total health.
Let’s make a low-fat recipe!