LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER VTAC & Direct Entry 2016 Parent and Student Information Evening Thursday 30 July 2015
Some options to consider for 2016 include: Tertiary study (University or TAFE); Traineeships or apprenticeships; Employment; or Other, e.g.: Travel. Options for 2016 LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
How Parents can assist By understanding the VTAC helps your child in making good decisions Encourage attendance at Open Days. Organise your child to meet the extra requirements needed to be selected into a course. Encourage a visit to the Careers Office during the “Change of Preference” week. Ensure that the instructions for enrolment on the Offer Letter are followed. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
About VTAC and its resources Ways of accessing course information Applying for courses Change of Preference Offers Special Entry Access Scheme Applying for Scholarships Understanding the ATAR Direct Entry Applications What will be covered: LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
What is VTAC? VTAC provides a central point of application for: ◦ Tertiary courses ◦ Special Entry Access Schemes ◦ Scholarships administers the application and selection process for these programs Also: ◦ undertakes scaling, calculates and distributes the ATAR LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
VTAC Website: This is the definitive resource to obtaining current information on courses, policies and procedures, applications and offers through VTAC – VTAC Guide 2016 ◦ Printed book, available from newsagents – is a synopsis of what’s on offer. Doesn’t include detailed course information. ◦ Online information ABC of Applying – printed and online. ◦ Printed copies are distributed free to VCE students for their parents. ◦ Also available for download onto your device. Social media Stay up to date with timely information, provided when you need it by subscribing to one of the following: ◦ VTAC Blog - ◦ Facebook - Facebook.com/vtacguide ◦ Public and free resources LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Short-listing courses on CourseSearch LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced Diploma Undergraduate Advanced Diploma Associate Degrees Bachelor Vocational Education Training (VET) – TAFE qualifications Higher education Qualifications through VTAC LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
VTAC Applications are submitted through VTAC if the course entry states ‘Apply: Through VTAC’ Direct to institution If the course entry states ‘Apply: Direct to institution’, prospective applicants must contact the institution to lodge a direct application for the course Application methods LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Keep the VTAC ID and PIN safe. Don’t give it to anyone!! Applying through VTAC LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER Once you’ve registered applicants can log in and make a course application.
Course Codes Type 1: CSP– Commonwealth supported place ◦ It is a higher education course ◦ Commonwealth Supported Place - govt. picks up most of the cost. The remaining can be deferred until earning $50,000+ Type 2: Domestic Full Fee paying place (Higher Ed) ◦ Can be applicable to Higher Education courses not conducted by universities – e.g.: an ITC. You pay the full cost. Type 3: International Students only Type 4: VET FEE - Determined by the provider ◦ TAFE Courses end in 4. Whether you are eligible for a government- funded place or a full-fee place will be determined by the institution when you enrol. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Things to check Prerequisites Course preferences Extra requirements Double check course codes LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
The course application LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Change of Preference (COP) All students are able to change their course preferences up until 12 Noon Monday 21 December KSC students – see Ms. Taylor / Mrs. Cutajar by Thursday 17 December Check out institutional COP days. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Golden rules for COP Before changing preferences students should check: ◦ Last year’s selection data – Selection data fluctuates annually. ◦ Extra requirements - complete them ◦ Prerequisites – Meet them LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
How the Offer system works Round 1 offer made – accept – still eligible for a higher preference in round two. Don’t wait!!! ◦ If you accept an offer made through VTAC, can withdraw if get a round two offer and get monies refunded Round 2 – no guarantees you’ll get one. Round 3 – Supplementary Offers Round 4 – Supplementary Offers Round 5 – Supplementary Offers (end of February 2016) LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Check List List courses in the order of your preference Use VTAC Guide, CourseLink and websites to check selection criteria Go to Open Days Talk to Ms. Taylor and Mrs. Cutajar Application number & PIN – keep in a safe place! Review course preferences based on VCE results and ATAR LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
The ATAR: ▫ Is not a score out of 100 it is a rank between 0.00 and ▫ It is not the be all and end all of a person. It is a tool that: ▫ Allows tertiary institutions to rank students Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
▫ A student’s ATAR of means that they are in the top 25% of the Year 12 age group. ▫ Some courses select only on the ATAR. Most courses look at a range of factors including: ▫ Extra requirements ▫ Middle-band bonuses ▫ SEAS consideration and other bonus or special consideration programs that students have applied for The ATAR continued… LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
To calculate the ATAR VTAC uses: ◦ English plus three other permissible scorable studies (primary four) ◦ Plus up to two other studies (5 th and 6 th increments) Calculating the ATAR LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Scaling and the ATAR Just because studies are scaled up – doesn’t mean a student will get a ‘good’ ATAR. Students need to perform well in all studies to get a ‘good’ ATAR. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Release of ATAR ATARs are released to students: ▫ Monday 14 December 2015 from 7am. ▫ All students can access their ATAR online or via SMS. Two ways to access the ATAR on that day: Internet at resultsandatar.vic.edu.auresultsandatar.vic.edu.au SMS – must preregister for instructions go to LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
SEAS Special Entry Access Scheme, Scholarships & Direct Entry Applications LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Special Entry Access Scheme Applicants must be able to demonstrate that the disadvantage has impacted on their educational performance. Students who have suffered long-term disadvantage must start preparing now! Supporting statements should clearly outline: ◦ The disadvantage, medical condition etc ◦ How this has impacted on the applicant Applicants can edit their SEAS application as many times as they need, until the deadline. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Scholarships Encourage all students to apply for scholarships. There are scholarships through VTAC and direct to institutions. While no-one is guaranteed a scholarship, we can guarantee that if students don’t apply, they won’t be considered. Western Chances LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Direct Entry Applications are for courses offered by Universities, TAFEs and Private Institutions that are not listed in the VTAC Guide. You’re not happy with your Offer(s) You didn’t apply through VTAC Applicants MUST apply for these courses DIRECTLY to the Faculty or Teaching Department. Why apply for a Direct Entry Course? LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Courses that require a Direct Entry Application Degree courses not offered in VTAC. Cert IV, Diploma & Advanced Diploma courses not offered in VTAC. Part-Time study to Cert IV, Diploma & Advanced Diploma courses. Certificate I, II & III courses. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Where to find courses not listed in the VTAC Guide University & TAFE Websites Faculty/Teaching Departments Prospective Students Office KSC Careers Office Open Days LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Extra Requirements Some Courses have extra requirements that Applicants must complete as part of their application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they complete all extra requirements by due dates, otherwise their applications may not be considered. Details about extra requirements are available in course info brochures, from relevant faculties/Office Departments & Centre of Commencing Students. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
Check List Organise an interview with Ms. Taylor or Mrs. Cutajar during Study Sessions If you decide not to apply, you still need to see Ms. Taylor / Mrs. Cutajar Direct Entry Application If completed, bring Course Search printout. Open Days & Information – Uni / TAFE sites, Careers News and Year 12 Study Centre LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER
If there are any queries regarding your child’s post compulsory options, please contact our Careers Practitioners or one of the Senior School Team. LEARN GROW ACHIEVE TOGETHER