Roosevelt HS · Street Law Ashley Sherwood & Drew Pearsall
Summer 2011: Submitted to WA Sec. of State w/ 341,000 signatures. April 2012: WA Legislature adjourned w/ no action. November 2012: Advanced to General Ballot. November 6, 2012: I-502 approved by popular vote (approx. 56% YES 44% NO).
Federal LawWA State Law Possession?ILLEGAL – Marijuana is still a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law and subject to prosecution. ILLEGAL if you’re under 21 years old! LEGAL in certain amounts if 21 or older! Amount?ILLEGAL – Possession of any amount of marijuana may still be subject to prosecution. LEGAL to carry up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. DUI’s?ILLEGAL – Can’t use marijuana so can’t drive under the influence of it. SIMILAR TO ALCOHOL DUI’S – I-502 sets a limit of 5 ng/mL of THC level for driving under influence of marijuana.
Can you smoke pot outside of your home? Like at a park or the Bite of Seattle? CIVIL INFRACTION Does I-502 affect current medical marijuana laws? NO – the same guidelines under state laws. If I’m over 21, can I just go anywhere and buy it? NO – WSLCB has until Dec. 1, 2013 to implement the state’s permitting and sale program. Until then, it might not be illegal to have it, but it’s illegal to buy it!
What if you pull me over and smell marijuana? NO– Not addressed specifically by I-502 but SPD says the smell of marijuana alone may not necessarily be enough to search vehicle! What about drug dogs? SPD has not decided what to do. What about the fact that dogs can’t distinguish between your legal 1 ounce and larger amounts?