L/O/G/O Ahmed M. M. Eisa Our founders Regional Forum on Development (RFD) Hammamet, Tunisia September 17, 2012
GDCO Sudan Winner of 7 Int. Awards Sudanese best NGO ICT award 2011 eWorld 2011 award e- India 2009 award Best Telecentre album 2011 Philippines US $ award e- India 2007 award e- India 2008 award
3 Telecentre Telecentre.org network (movement) global Telecentre academy Telecentres
GDCO Telecentres T.O.T Telecentre Girl Telecentre University Telecentre NTC Men Telecentre Deaf Telecentre Out school Telecentre Deaf Telecentre
5 Broadband? Broadband is a mean of access with high-speed Internet to a wide range of services to facilitate and improve the ways we are living. Broadband helps the Telecentre movement to achieve its goals in sharing knowledge, experiences and best practices to improve the content, networking and sustainability of Telecentres.
Drying the resources of illiteracy Connecting people with disability telemedicine Gedaref university support Telecentre Women Digital Literacy Campaign Telecentre.org Academy VoIP (Internet phone), video streaming and gaming Equity and Equality Education & Health
Solving conflict ( farmers, shepherds and forest) agricultural reports &farm registration Accessibility to global crop markets disaster control (bird flu) grazing area and water resources detection under-developing easyFarmer project Under developing agro-mobile agriculture
Drishtee agro-mobile India
Raising the Floor EasyFarmer Switzerland This a project for illiterate or low skill in computer farmers
GDCO was appointed the chair of e-government An agreement between the MCIT and Sudatel a- connecting 50 school Telecentres b- Connecting 10 hospital d- government’s building with networking e- Gedaref University f- Gedaref technical college An online survey application Accessibility to Interactive web portal global e-business (e-marketing) e-Government
ICT is not part of the culture and not a priority Digital divide High cost of broadband and infrastructure Government taxes Security risk and hackers Distances and geographical barrier in rural area Power supply Challenges