The Earth’s Changing Surface Weathering The Earth’s Changing Surface
Weathering the process that breaks down rock and other substances at Earth’s surface
Erosion The removal of rock particles by wind, water, ice, or gravity.
How fast can it fizz? Place a “rock” into the first beaker Crush a second “rock” and place it into the second beaker Add the water to the beaker with the full rock. Time how long it takes for the “rock” to dissolve. Add the water to the beaker with the crushed “rock.” Time how long it takes to dissolve.
How fast can it fizz? Which dissolved faster, the whole “rock” or the crushed “rock?” What variable affected how long it took each of them to dissolve?
Two Types of Weathering Mechanical Chemical
Mechanical Weathering Rock is physically broken into smaller pieces. These rocks have the same composition as the rocks they came from.
Causes of Mechanical Weathering Ice wedging – freezing and thawing Causes potholes on streets
Causes of Mechanical Weathering Release of pressure - erosion removes material from surface, pressure is reduced. Pressure release causes rock to crack.
Causes of Mechanical Weathering Plant growth – roots of trees and other plants enter cracks in rocks.
Cause of Mechanical Weathering Actions of animals – animals that burrow in the ground loosen and break apart rocks in the soil.
Cause of Mechanical Weathering Abrasion – the grinding away of rock by rock particles carried by water, ice, wind, or gravity.
Chemical Weathering The process that breaks down rock through chemical changes. Produces new minerals.
Cause of Chemical Weathering Water – dissolves rock Water is the most important cause of chemical weathering
Cause of Chemical Weathering Oxygen – rust!! Iron combines with oxygen in the presence of water in a process called oxidation
Cause of Chemical Weathering Carbon Dioxide – dissolves in rain water Easily weathers rocks such as marble and limestone
Cause of Chemical Weathering Living Organisms – plants produce weak acids
Cause of Chemical Weathering Acid Rain – how is it formed? Coal, oil, and gas is burned for energy These fuels pollute the air with sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen These compounds react with rainwater, forming acid rain.
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Rate of Weathering Type of Rock Climate The minerals that make up rock determine how fast it weathers. Marble vs. granite Climate Faster in wet climates Chemical reactions occur faster at higher temperatures