The Grand Canyon By Jake Falanga
How Was The Grand Canyon Formed? The Grand Canyon was formed by erosion. The Colorado River cutting away the soft rock is erosion. Rocks falling into the Colorado River also caused erosion. Finally wind erosion blowing sand cut away the rock. All three of these methods slowly cut away the rocks to what we see today as the Grand Canyon. Did you know that the Grand Canyon erodes the depth of a credit card and the canyon is estimated to be 17,000,000 years old?
The Colorado River Running Through The Grand Canyon
The Havasupi Tribe The Havasupi tribe have occupied the Grand Canyon for at least 800 years and are a well known tribe. They are the only Native American tribe that actually live in the Grand Canyon. They count on game and wild plants in the winter and farm in the summer. Havasupi means people of the blue-green water because there water is greenish-blue water. Did you know that the Havasupi made something called the skywalk which is made out of Plexiglas and is built over the Grand Canyon so you can appear to be floating over it?
The Skywalk
Animals of The Canyon The Grand Canyon also supports animal life. The south rim‘s animal life is mostly made up of gray fox, mule deer, bighorn sheep, and rock squirrels. The north rim’s animal life includes mountain lions, kaibab squirrels, and northern goshawks. Tourists are not aloud to feed the animals in fear that the will get used to being fed and they will get hit by a car or they will lose their ability to hunt.
A Mountain Lion
Author’s Note The author’s note was to reach out to his readers to understand that the Grand Canyon is something to be protected and loved by all people. He hopes you enjoyed it!