Unit 3: Health and Human Development Area of Study One: Compare the health status of Australia’s population with other developed countries, compare and explain the variations in health status of population groups in Australia and discuss the role of the National Health Priority Areas in improving Australia’s health status
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Key Knowledge: 1.1 Definitions of physical, social and mental dimensions of health and health status Key Skills: Define key health terms
Learning Intentions: To understand the different dimensions of health To understand that the dimensions of health interrelate
Success Criteria To be able to apply the dimensions of health to scenarios To be able to define the health and the dimensions of health
Health The World Health Organisation defines health as: ◦ a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Dimensions of health Health is a combination of the physical, social and mental dimensions. The physical dimension of health is often the focus of individuals, groups, government and non-government organisations.
Physical Health Is defined as the efficient functioning of the body and its systems, and includes the physical capacity to perform tasks and physical fitness. ◦ Other aspects of physical health include the absence or presence of disease, injury and disability and the operation of the body’s systems
Physical Health Cont.
Social Health Is defined as being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both independent and cooperative way ◦ The quality of relationships that individuals have with others is a key aspect of social health
Social Health
Mental Health Is defined as a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. ◦ Mental health relates to the current state of the mind, how a person is feeling about themselves and how they deal with situations in which they find themselves.
Mental Health Cont.
Interactions between the dimensions of health The dimensions of health affect each other and therefore interrelate When someone experiences optimal health in one of the dimensions, they are more likely to experience optimal health in the other dimensions
Scenario One John is 16 and goes to school in year 10. He is very busy with work and works 4 nights per week. He is often tired and has trouble focusing on his school work. How might this situation affect John’s health?
Sally is 52 and has two children who have left home. Sally has a good relationship with her children but she and her husband are divorced. Sally works part time in a job she loves and spends a lot of time at the local gym Explain how you think Sally’s health would be… Scenario One
Case Study
Q1 to 6 Test Your Knowledge