Misconceptions of Adult Learning Garrison Schmitt Post University EDU643: Teaching the Adult Learner
First Misconception: Individual vs. Collaboration Misconception: ▫Adult learners receives greater benefit in individual learning than through community and interdependence Image courtesy of:
Individual vs. Collaboration New Understanding: ▫Team building has emerged as one of the most important group phenomenon for adult learners today (Glassop, 2012). Reinforcing Theory: ▫In other cultures, a person becoming independent without being interdependent is considered immature or self-centered, where collectivism and collaboration is taught from childhood (Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007)
Terry (2006): ▫Adult literacy education program to understand the relationships between instructors and peers Research participants noted the powerful impact that these relationships had on the nature of the classroom climate and on the results of the learning process Participants described reciprocal staff-learner relations based on mutual trust and respect and positive inter-learner relations Individual vs. Collaboration
Fachantidis et al. (2012): ▫Adults participated in cultural studies through activities with robotic constructions 10/25 participants liked the cooperation/collaboration between the team members and the team-building spirit Majority of the participants (17/25) stated that they worked together in order to complete the project goals The combination of such a technology with cultural activities can offer a context not only suitable for learning, but also for team building Individual vs. Collaboration
Proposed Example: ▫Similar to Phan (2011) study Team building manifested in a series of ropes courses and team building activities Groups of adults from all social circles will all experience benefits on an emotional, physical, mental, and psychological level Interdependency between adults has marked improvements on productivity, positivity, collaboration, mutual trust, and perceived support
Second Misconception: Self-Directed Learning Misconception: ▫Role of instructor is passive ▫Little interaction between educator and student Image courtesy of:
Self-Directed Learning New Understanding: ▫SDL is a process in which individuals take the initiative, diagnose learning needs, formulate learning goals, identify resources for learning, implement appropriate learning strategies, and evaluate learning outcomes (Smith, 2014) Reinforcing Theory: ▫Knowles’ assumption of andragogy: “As a person matures, his or her self-concept moves from that of a dependent personality towards one of a self-directing human being” (Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007, p. 84)
Smith (2014): ▫SDL requires a paradigm shift away from teacher- centric approaches to learning ▫Role of the teacher becomes more of a consultant, tutor, listener, catalyst, or partner in learning ▫The teacher and student are engaged in a process of mutual inquiry rather than transmitting specific knowledge ▫Adult self-directed learners engage in behaviors and characteristics that allow them to think independently, take responsibility for one’s learning, and self-start tasks ▫Educators set realistic limits and teach students how to make solid decisions about their learning processes Self-Directed Learning
Proposed Example: ▫Political Science Assignment - design the organizational structure of the student’s ideal town/city Educator designs assignment that offers learners ability to be self-observant, goal oriented, self- rewarding, and self-critiquing Enable students to gain confidence and develop self- leadership Provide assistance to individuals or groups of learners in locating resources, but allow for individualization
Third Misconception: The Nature of Intelligence Misconception: ▫The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a certain method of determining the measure of intelligence for adult learners Image courtesy of:
The Nature of Intelligence New Understanding: ▫IQ value alone does not offer enough to describe what “intelligence” is (Ziegler, Ziegler, & Stoeger, 2012) Reinforcing Theory: ▫Three challenges to traditional nature of intelligence: (Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007) Focus of intelligence has traditionally been on the individual as measured by psychometric tests “Fight” for finding the one model or theory that could be correct regarding intelligence Majority of methods of discussing intelligence do not take into account the “real-world” or “everyday” intelligence
Ziegler, Ziegler, & Stoeger (2012): ▫IQ is just a single number that gives no indication of the kinds of focused support that should be undertaken for students who receive low scores ▫Enormous IQ variation between the age of 6 and 18 IQ increased by at least 15 points for 58% of the children between school entry and adulthood in the study population IQ increased by at least 20 points for one third of the children ▫IQ shows too much instability for being a good predictor of achievement excellence The Nature of Intelligence
Proposed Example: ▫Sternberg’s practical intelligence model (Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007) Problems in everyday life often have little to do with the knowledge and skills acquired through formal education Three main subtheories: mental mechanisms of intelligence, the experience of the learner, and real- world context Intelligence is not always relative for all groups of people
References Glassop, L. (2002). The organizational benefit of teams. Human Relations, 55(2), Fachantidis, N., Paraskevi, A., & Tosiou, D. (2012). Robots facilitate team building at adults’ learning groups for cultural studies. International Conference on Robotics in Education. Prague, Czech Republic. Merriam, S.B., Caffarella, R.S., & Baumgartner, L.M. (2007). Learning in adulthood: A comprehensive guide. (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Phan, J. (2011). The impact of therapeutic recreation through ropes courses and team building activities. Digital Commons at Cal Poly, Smith, T. (2014). Self-Directed Learning. Self-Directed Learning -- Research Starters Education, 1. Terry, M. (2006). The importance of interpersonal relations in adult literacy programs. Educational Research Quarterly, 30(2), Ziegler, A., & Stoeger, H. (2012). Shortcomings of the IQ-based construct of underachievement. Roeper Review, 34(2),