Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Midterm Review
Dr. Philip Cannata 2 Be sure to study all of the Homework and Quiz solutions.
Dr. Philip Cannata 3 Carefully review the following sections in “Top-Down” What is a Protocol? Packet Switching A Network of Networks Overview of Delay in Packet-Switched Networks 1.5 Protocol Layers and Their Service Models 2. Intro 2.1 Principles of Network Applications 2.2 HTTP 2.3 FTP 2.4 Intro SMTP Comparison to HTTP 2.5 DNS
Dr. Philip Cannata 4 Python Programs to know inside and out SimpleWebClient.py on the class calendar WebServer.py UDPPingerClient.py UDPPingerServer.py From “Foundations of Python Network Programming”: search4.py on the class calendar Page137.py on the class calendar for possible extra credit
Dr. Philip Cannata 5 Carefully Review the following from the Companion Website. Video Notes Chapter 1 Propagation Delay and Transmission Delay Traceroute Chapter 2 Introduction to Wireshark and HTTP Wireshark Labs (I passed out hardcopy solutions for these.) HTTP DNS – Note: for the last part of this lab I think he should have done: nslookup mit.edu bitsy.mit.edu see the next page for a better example.
Dr. Philip Cannata 6 Understand the following nslookup interaction. Phils-MacBook-Pro:~ pcannata$ nslookup utexas.edu Server: Address: #53 Non-authoritative answer: Name:utexas.edu Address: Name:utexas.edu Address: Name:utexas.edu Address: Name:utexas.edu Address: Phils-MacBook-Pro:~ pcannata$ nslookup -type=NS utexas.edu Server: Address: #53 Non-authoritative answer: utexas.edunameserver = chisos.ots.utexas.edu. utexas.edunameserver = dns1.illinois.edu. utexas.edunameserver = dns2.illinois.edu. utexas.edunameserver = marianas.its.utexas.edu. utexas.edunameserver = glass.its.utexas.edu. Authoritative answers can be found from: Phils-MacBook-Pro:~ pcannata$ nslookup utexas.edu chisos.ots.utexas.edu Server:chisos.ots.utexas.edu Address: #53 Name:utexas.edu Address: Name:utexas.edu Address: Name:utexas.edu Address: Name:utexas.edu Address: The following steps will get an authoritative answer