T HE 5 S ENSES Shamma Al Hitmi Science 7C
H OW D OES IT W ORK ? Your sense of smell is an amazing thing. Molecules enter your nose from air and go to receptor neurons. Small hairs called cilia capture the molecules and identify them.
W HY DO WE H AVE THIS S ENSE ? The sense of smell is very useful to daily bases. It helps us taste and can warn us of danger like when there’s smoke or poison, it can also helps us in survival. Its also fun to have!
H OW D OES IT W ORK ? It works by sending information to the spinal cord then goes to the brain. The sense of touch is located in the dermis part of the skin and is found everywhere on your body.
W HY DO WE H AVE THIS S ENSE ? The sense of touch is one of the important. It’s the only sense that is all over your body and not just a specific part. You use it for working, feeling and everything else. And when your about touch something, the brain tell you not because it hot. (Just an example) Your brain controls the sense of touch.
H OW D OES IT W ORK ? When you eat, or drink something, your taste buds begin to work. They relay information about the drink, or food to transmit to your brain. Taste buds are the bumps on your tongue. Did You Know: That girls have more taste buds then boys.
W HY DO WE H AVE THIS S ENSE ? All senses are important in one way. If you wan to eat something new and you don’t know if your going to like you take a taste. That’s the whole point of taste Most importantly its to enjoy your food! How can you enjoy your food if there is no taste?!
H OW D OES IT W ORK ? The sense of sight begins when photons from the world hit the lens of our eye. The lens reflects where it change direction and refract where it bends the light. The retina contains the nerve cells. It works like the film of the camera.
W HY DO WE H AVE THIS S ENSE ? Sight is very important because without it we would be struggling in our life and we would need a lot of help to see things. Sight is the sense that we need to help us out with our other 4 senses.
H OW D OES IT W ORK ? You hear using your ear. Frequency is how many times, it measures the wave. Amplitude is how high or low the sound is depending on sound waves.
W HY DO WE H AVE THIS S ENSE ? We have this sense to listen to people like in school listening is one of the most important things. If you don’t have the ability of listening, you cant listen to radio or music or anything else.
B IBLIOGRAPHY oes_smell_work oes_the_sense_of_touch_work oes_the_sense_of_taste_work sight-work.htm
P ICTURES senses-of-sex.html activities/sense-touch-preschool-lesson.html