Art & Design – TEXTILES (assessed for Entry 2) Example task: A puppet character for a new children’s T.V. Show called 'Animal Antics'.
AC1.1 Select references and resources to support textiles work. AC1.2 Respond to observations and experiences relating to a task or theme. AC1.3 Make references to artists, craftspersons and / or designers. Pupil has selected appropriate references and noted resources to be used. There is no evidence of this in the work. Responses to this criteria could be carried out visually, orally or in written form. Although there are examples of work by unnamed puppet makers, this area could be expanded further.
AC2.1 Use materials, tools and basic techniques appropriate to textiles. AC2.2 Use visual elements in practical work, such as: colour; pattern; texture; line; shape; form; space; tone. AC2.3 Develop ideas for a textiles outcome. This is an area that needs attention. There is very little evidence of materials, tools and techniques appropriate to textiles being used in the development of ideas for a textiles outcome. The visual elements colour, texture, shape and form, which are particularly important within textiles, could have been explored fully within the development. However, they were only covered in a limited way during the making of the final outcome. This is an AC that needs attention as there is no evidence of the development of ideas apart from the two drawings illustrating the final design. Some changes of thought and modifications may have occurred during the making process for the final outcome and these could have been documented by means of photographic evidence.
AC3.1 Produce an outcome in response to a task of theme using textiles processes. AC3.2 Present a textiles outcome. Both these ACs have been well covered in the final outcome.
General Comments A very good resolved outcome which even displays the level of refinement required for Entry 3. Overall however, the work in its present form would not fulfil the assessment criteria for Entry 2. More personal responses are needed in AC1.2 but as already highlighted the main areas of concern with this pupil are development at AC2.1, AC2.2 and AC2.3, all of which should have provided evidence of the candidates ability to develop ideas through the medium of textiles.