For Your Enjoyment
Composition Main components 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen 1% Argon Trace components Carbon dio/monoxide Krypton Hydrogen Helium Nitrous oxide Neon Methane Ozone Iodine Nitrogen Dioxide Ammonia
Gas Discharge Lamps Common example: fluorescent lightbulbs Electric current travels through a tube The travelling electrons excite the electrons in the gas atoms/molecules. When the electrons move back to lower state, they emit EMR. EMR is usually in the visible light area but sometimes UV rays are emitted.
Mercury Mercury emits a bright light. Light blue RGB combine to form mostly white light. Commonly used Esp. with argon
Nitrogen Similar to Argon, but duller and more pink. Argon is violet to pale lavender blue. Becomes bright blue- white at high peak currents.
Oxygen Violet to lavender Dimmer than argon
Argon Violet to pale Lavender blue. Often used together with mercury in lamps.
Carbon Dioxide Bright-white Brighter than Xenon in lower currents Xenon is used in car headlights. Impressive!
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