Ghana Luis Galdamez, Joseph Sturgill, Taja McKesson, Erika Gray, Dallas Ibarra Ancient Trading Kingdoms of Africa
They made sacrifices to a snake. Sacrifice
The route was from North Africa in Tahert, sweeping down to Sijilimasa In Southern Morocco. Trade
Most of our knowledge came from Arab writers. Knowledge
The Empire of Ghana was located hundreds of miles away from modern Ghana. Empire of Ghana
Ghana declined because of outside forces, the king lost his trading monopoly and because of drought Decline
The religion brought new Mosques and schools to be built. Islam
Trade brought a lot of people to Ghana. New People
Traders brought Islamic beliefs to Ghana. Islam to Ghani
Sold slaves and copper in exchange for textiles, beads and finished goods. Items of Trade
Ghana is known for its gold deposits. Gold
Tyrell Perry Marcos Rivas Sadee Masterson Beyra Menjivar Bianca Barrientos
Rank #10 Jenne-Jeno was a virtual crossroads in the North-South trade. Because the crossroad helps transportation.
Rank #9 The greatest ruler of the kingdom of Mali was Mansa Musa.
Rank #8 Muslim scribes played an important role in government and administration.
Rank #7 Mansa Musa promoted religious freedom and tolerance.
Rank #6 Cowrie shells were established as a form of currency for trade and taxation purposes.
Rank #5 Sundiata Keita took Timbuktu from the Tuareg, transforming it into a substantial city, a focus for trade and scholarship.
Rank #4 The influence over the gold-mining regions to the south expanded.
Rank #3 Mali reached its peak in the 14 th century.
Rank #2 Their wealth came from taxes received in the North-South trade.
Rank #1 A combination of weak & ineffective rulers gradually reduced the power of Mali.
Songhay BY: Sal, Karina, Layne, Luis
Ranking 10.
Ranking 9.
Ranking 8. The religion of the sacred drum, the sacred fire, and the old types of costume and hairstyle was preserved.
Ranking 7. They were defeated by the Morocco Army.
Ranking 6. Songayora history portrays their leader as conquering hero.
Ranking 5. They got defeated by marocco army
Ranking 4. They had a civil war over wealth and power of songhay.
Ranking 3. Wealth and power of Songhay was undetermined by environmental change, causing droughts and diseases.
Ranking 2.
Ranking 1.