by Ye Eun andKatharine
can have access to the cash in your bank account whenever you need can have access to the cash in your bank account whenever you need can withdraw cash after the bank hour can withdraw cash after the bank hour quick and easy to use quick and easy to use Very convenient; don’t have to go all the way to the bank since it’s everywhere (markets, street,mall). Very convenient; don’t have to go all the way to the bank since it’s everywhere (markets, street,mall).
Bank can employ fewer people. Bank can employ fewer people. Cheaper than paying staff Cheaper than paying staff Less need to build banks and money could be used elsewhere. Less need to build banks and money could be used elsewhere.
Machine may not recognize your credit card Machine may not recognize your credit card For voice recognition, may have failure sometimes (when you have flu) For voice recognition, may have failure sometimes (when you have flu) May be no ATMs near by May be no ATMs near by If someone hacks an ATM machine your details may be taken If someone hacks an ATM machine your details may be taken If problem with credit card, you can not withdraw your money If problem with credit card, you can not withdraw your money
Someone’s watching you!!!!
Bankers have the key can get to the machine whenever they need and steal Bankers have the key can get to the machine whenever they need and steal
Banks don’t need many bankers Banks don’t need many bankers Bankers lose their job Bankers lose their job