KEY CHALLENGES, EASTERN PROVINCE, ZAMBIA Mr. Michael Ngulube, DACO, Chipata Mr. Stalin Sichinga, ARO, ZARI
INTRODUCTION Zambia has an area of 750,000 km 2 with about 13 million people. 90,000 km 2 land is arable Only 14% is cropped in any year. About % of the land area is covered by natural forest 6% of Zambia’s land surface is covered by water.
Region I <800mm Region II a & II b mm Region III mm
INTRODUCTION contd Social wellbeing and economic development in Zambia is strongly linked with productivity growth in agriculture and sustainable management of farming systems. Maize is the main staple food crop grown widely in the country and critical for ensuring food security for the poor.
Constraints in Zambian Farming Systems Negative effects of climate change Soil degradation Unavailability of improved varieties Dysfunctional input-output markets Pests and diseases Limited draft power and farm implements
To address some constraints in Zambian farming systems, Feed the Future through IITA, is implementing Sustainable Intensification of Maize- Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia (SIMLEZA) which focuses : Productivity: Maize-legume systems agronomy and breeding. Nutrition focus: Soya processing and utilization. Capacity building of national agricultural research systems.
To address some constraints in Zambian farming systems, Feed the Future through IITA, is implementing Sustainable Intensification of Maize- Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia (SIMLEZA) which focuses : Productivity: Maize-legume systems agronomy and breeding. Nutrition focus: Soya processing and utilization. Capacity building of national agricultural research systems.
SIMLEZA Project Sites On-farm activities Chipata District: Chanje and Chiparamba camps Katete District: Kafumbwe and Kawalala camp Lundazi District: Hoya and Vuu camp On-station activities Msekera, GART, Kabwe, Misamfu.
Challenges The legumes selected are at the bottom of the farmers’ priority. The community is uncertain of the market for the seed to be multiplied. Farmers are not aware of the market (outlet) for the produce. Farmers largely use the cowpeas leaves as vegetables and not the grain. There is therefore for a market for the grain Equipment for processing is rare and the current one for groundnut processing demands a lot of energy.
Challenges contd Some pre released varieties of the cowpeas are high yielding but not preferred by farmers. Use of dibble stick required more labour. Farmers preferred using a ripper for CA. Coordination between partners Communication between implementers and other stakeholders Calendar of events not properly followed (short notice of important meetings) Some farmers are not able to read and write and therefore miss out on data.
Possible solutions Proper planning in early October for all the field activities Design of a calendar of events and activities Discussion on best ways on flow of funds (CIMMYT and IITA manage one project) Follow up needs to improve (both organizations hired research assistants)
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