:56 EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 This SOP describes the application “Easy preparation“ of the PrepGilsonST software, covering the following topics: Add and delete racks (wellplates) manually without barcode reader Create orders for selected source and destination positions in racks with predefined procedures Run preparation for created orders Introduction
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 2. Select “Easy preparation“. Click OK. 1. Start PrepGilsonST program with a double click. Program Start and Procedure Selection
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 3. Check if Gilson Status is “connected“. Check Connection
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 4. Initialize the Gilson® robot by pressing the green button. The status changes to “home seeking“. The Gilson® robot is initialized. Robot Initialization
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 5. Select “Edit mode“ to delete or insert racks. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 5a. Delete a rack (first the child racks) In “Edit mode“ double click on a gray (not the blue!) area within a rack field. The program asks if the selected rack should be deleted. Click “Yes“. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 5a. Delete a rack The child rack is deleted. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 5b. Insert a new rack Double click on an empty rack area. Select the rack type used and click “OK“. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 5b. Insert a new rack ID Barcode : Enter the new barcode ID, e.g. ABC0033#NMR Type Barcode : Select the Starting corner and pattern. The barcode type is a combination of the rack name, the starting corner and the pattern. Click OK. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 5b. Insert a new rack Click “Save Tray“ and uncheck “Edit mode“. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 6. Check or select the appropriate procedure and solvent. It is now possible to set up orders. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 7. Defining the source positions Click the „Source“ button. Select the source tubes with a lasso operation: Click and hold the left mouse cursor. Draw a rectangle. The marked positions will be shown as orders. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 7. Defining the source rack Tip: Use the Ctrl Key and left mouse key to select variable sources. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 The marked positions will be shown as orders with their destinations. Select the destination tubes with a lasso operation: Click and hold the left mouse cursor. Draw a rectangle. 8. Defining the destination rack Click the “Destination“ button. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 Tip: Use the right mouse key to zoom in and out. Use the Ctrl Key and left mouse key to select variable sources. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56 9. Click the button “Create Orders“. All “Created Orders“ are listed. Click OK. Orders can be deleted with the button “Delete selected orders“. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader : View the orders running or ready to run. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader : The first order has finished with OK. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader : All orders are finished. Order Setup
EasyPreparation without Barcode Reader :56