Oregon Labor Market Information System (OLMIS) Oregon Employment Department Brenda Turner, Occupational Economist
2 Homepage
Jobs & Careers section 1.Occupation and Wage Information tool 2.Career Explorer tool 3.Find a Job tool 3 Publications section 4. Careers magazine 5. Occupation in Demand 6. Biz News Around the State
1. Jobs & Careers section: Occupation and Wage Information 4 Type in job keyword (i.e. cashier, marketing, nurse, janitor, assembler) Select geography
5 1. Jobs & Careers section: Occupation and Wage Information Keyword: “truck” 13 matching occupations Area selected: Lane 13 sections of information
2. Jobs and Careers section: Career Explorer 6 Ability to sort occupations using various criteria Click on occupational title to get more information about the occupation
3. Jobs and Career section: Find a Job 7
Publications section 4. Careers magazine 5. Occupation in Demand 6. Biz News Around the State 8
4. Publication section: Careers magazine 9 64 page magazine Contains information about career options, selecting a careers, and applying for jobs Available in English (print and electronic) and Spanish (electronic only)
5. Publications section: Occupations in Demand 10 Oregon and by region
5. Publications section: Occupations in Demand 11
6. Publication section: Biz News Around the State 12 To receive Biz news ed weekly,
7. Oregon Career Information System (CIS) Oregon’s official career information system Online career exploration system Part of UofO, self-supporting Very comprehensive – Occupational assessments – Full occupational profiles – deeper information than – Education and training information, scholarships, U.S. schools Visit Laura McCoid, Director, , 13
15 Oregon Employment Department Brenda Turner, Occupational Economist