MAPS What ism a map? Maps are a visual representation of the Earth’s surface, drawn to scale and made for a specific purpose.
TODALSIG Components of a map: T = Title O = Orientation (Compass) D = Date A = Author L = Legend S = Scale I = Index G = Grid
BASIC COMPONENTS OF MAPS Which component tells us the pieces of information we can learn from the map? the Legend / Key Which component tells us the subject of the map? the Title Which component indicates direction? the Compass (Orientation) What do we call the lines running north/south and east/west? the Grid 3
LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE What are the imaginary parallel lines that circle the earth called? Lines of Latitude Which direction do these parallels circle the earth? East and West 0° Latitude is known as what? the Equator Why is this important? It serves a reference to measure latitude.
LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE What are the imaginary lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole called? Lines of Longitude What is the central line of longitude called? the Prime Meridian Why is the Prime Meridian important? It serves a reference to measure longitude.
SCALE What does scale tell us? How the map size compares to the real size of the area in the map.
HEMISPHERES, CONTINENTS, AND OCEANS What is the name of the line on the globe to the left? What does it do? The Equator; It divides the globe into Northern and Southern Hemispheres What is the name of the line on the globe to the right? What does it do? The Prime Meridian; It divides the globe into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
HEMISPHERES, CONTINENTS, AND OCEANS How many continents are shown on the map? Seven What are their names? North America South America Europe Africa How many oceans are shown on the map? Four What are their names? Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Asia Australia Antarctica
GEOGRAPHY ALIVE! MAPS LAB ACTIVITY Your assignment is to create a map of your choosing. Examples: A room @ your home, your home, a classroom of yours, etc. Your map should include the following features: An appropriate Title A compass rose (Orientation) The Date the map was created Your Name (Author) A Legend or Key