Agency & Authority Collections Partnership Presented By Darren Kelk MICM Director Chris Bloodworth IRRV Director of Training
Is this Debt Collection? PAY UP!
Or this?
You may think this?
Public sector debtors Unique market place High level to complain to Large % on low income Large % on NO income Multiple debtors
Debt types Council Tax/NNDR post bailiff Council Tax small balances Former tenant arrears Current rent arrears Housing benefit overpayment Sundry debt Parking fines
Information to maximise collections At the point of sale If you don’t ASK - Who knows? Full name, address, DOB, contact numbers, etc. A new customer is potentially a new debtor Information is KEY
Office of Fair Trading Consumer Credit Licences Unfair Business Practices Communication Misrepresenting Harassment Deceptive Methods Charging for Debt Collection Debt Collection Visits Statute Barred Debt
Data Protection The Data Protection Act 1988 regulates the processing of personnel information How does that affect collections Divulging information to a third party You don’t have to terminate the call Close the call professionally
Credit Services Association All reputable debt collection and tracing agencies Adhere to a strict Code of Practice Training courses (Diploma standard) Regulated on complaints/working practices Help and advice on the ever changing legislation and market changes
Proactive debt collection Telephone – the powerful collection tool Professionally trained collection staff Industry trained – Public sector Negotiating skills Communication skills Call targets Collection targets
Debt collection Recovery is an ART not a Science Impossible to script write Every call is different One size doesn’t fit all Own personality Confidence Ability to think on your feet Good listener – communicator - negotiator
Collection methods and techniques Letters, contact cards & other communications Telephone collection Litigation Doorstep collection Tracing
Third party involvement IVR technology Right 3 rd party contact Payment lines Information gathering Printing and mailing – must have regular large volumes Mail discount Flexibility with the letter suite Highlighting key data Pin mailers - PSD
Doorstep collections Not to be mistaken for Bailiffs No legal rights Self employed Collecting small amounts each week When to use it? Costs Big men, big dogs and aggressive - Myth
Choosing the right DCA Are they CSA members Do they have personal recommendation? Obtain references Visit them Check out solvency Have they got: Consumer Credit Licence, Data Protection Registration, Public & Professional Indemnity Insurances Look at training material (see what they do)
Partnership working Only as good as the data supplied Efficiencies – Reduce cost and staff time Realistic expectations Share good working practices Understanding each others strategies Swift corrective action Net back returns Teamwork Salford - Barnsley
Debt sale Active now for several years in the private sector Releases funds and resources Various options around the sale Share options The need for quality data
Open forum Thank You Any Questions? Darren Kelk MICM