Introductions Emilie Buzhardt – Sport Club Coordinator Kendall Knott & Mykala Sandifer – SC Program Managers Brian Kearney-Spaw & Chris Janes – SC Supervisors Current Clubs: Badminton Baseball Bowling Boxing Crew Cycling Dance Sport Disc Golf Fencing Jiu Jitsu Judo Ki Aikido Kumdo/Kendo Men’s Lacrosse Women’s Lacrosse Marksmanship Quidditch Racquetball Rock Climbing Men’s Rugby Women’s Rugby Running Sailing Men’s Soccer Women’s Soccer Softball Swimming Table Tennis Tae Kwon Do Men’s Ultimate Women’s Ultimate Tennis Women’s Volleyball Water Ski
Access to Rec Services Website
Updated Officers All officers and advisors need to update their online registration immediately Due Friday, 9/5
Coaching IDs and Student IDs For teams that have 1+ coaches, please fill out a coach’s application to get an id made for your coach to enter the building. Only an officer may fill out the application All coaching IDs from last year have expired. Administrative Office hours: 8am-6pm
Sidewalk Chalking Clubs must be registered with SILC in order to chalk All chalking must be approved by the Sport Club Staff first! Only water-soluble, dry stick chalk is allowed. Any other chalk will be removed at the expense of the club Clubs may potentially lose SILC member status if chalking policies are violated Chalking on covered sidewalks, stairways, curbs, stair risers, brick surfaces, on buildings, benches, planters, trash containers, pillars, any vertical surfaces, or anything other than pavement/concrete is not permitted
Risk Management
Sport Club Officers, Club members, and Coaches/Instructors should always emphasize safety during all Club activities. Each member must sign the liability waiver through KU Develop and practice safety guidelines relevant to your sport. Encourage all members of your organization to carry personal health insurance. Each club should become familiar with accident and liability insurance available through the national associations governing their sport.
Risk Management Facility Usage Inspect fields, facilities, and equipment prior to every practice session, game, or special event. Report unsafe conditions to the Sport Club Supervisor on duty immediately. DO NOT USE FIELDS, FACILITIES, OR EQUIPMENT IF THEY ARE DEEMED UNSAFE.
Risk Management Alcohol and Drug Policies Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are not allowed in or on University facilities at any Club activities. No alcohol or drugs will not be permitted at ANY CLUB ACTIVITIES (on or off-campus) Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs should not be consumed or transported in vehicles traveling to or from a contest. Participants, instructors, coaches, and spectators will not be allowed to consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs while participating in the Sport Club Program or at an event. Refer to alcohol policy in SC handbook THERE IS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG RELATED DISCREPANCIES
Risk Management CPR/AED Each club is required to have at least one member become certified in CPR and AED CPR dates will be announced through notifications If interested in attending a session, let your sport club program manager know in advance
Risk Management Accident Reports Each club must file an “Accident Report Form,” for each accident that may occur during practice or competition Accident forms must be turned in to the Sport Club Program Manager no later than 3 days after the accident/injury Usually, the supervisor on duty will take care of the Accident Report for you. This is very important because you as officers can be held liable (legally and financially) if there are problems that arise
Emergency Procedures Fire Alarm Cease activity and use nearest exit to leave building. Participants can gather across Watkins Center Drive under the trees. There is no such thing as a false alarm – we treat all alarms as real until told by Police and Fire personnel that the building is safe to re-enter. Blood/Chemical Spill Cease activity and contact KU Recreation Services staff member on duty for clean up. Do not clean up the spill on your own! Water Leak Cease activity and report leak to KU Recreation Services staff member on duty who will then determine cleanup procedures and whether or not activity can continue. Power Outage Cease activity and follow direction of KU Recreation Services staff members on duty.
Emergency Procedures Inclement Weather Usually, closures are associated with cancellation of classes and closure of the KU Student Recreation Fitness Center. Inclement weather may or may not be declared at the same time classes are cancelled. Inclement weather for the Lawrence campus is determined by the Provost’s Office. If inclement weather is declared during the normal workday from 8am to 5pm, HR/EO starts a campus ‘calling tree’ to notify departmental contacts that inclement weather has been declared. Often s are sent to departmental contacts, too. If inclement weather is declared outside the normal workday from 8am to 5pm, the declaration will be announced via area news media (after 5:45a.m.), the inclement weather line (864-SNOW after 6a.m.), the KU website, and the Information Center ( ). KU Recreation Services reserves the right to prohibit travel to any away events in which inclement weather will be an issue. Note: this is for more severe weather not just rain that makes the fields unusable.
Emergency Procedures Tornado Participants who stay in the Recreation Center must proceed to the lowest possible level of the building to a tornado shelter area: bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, conference room (next to administrative office), or anywhere KU Rec Services staff directs you. If at Shenk or other outdoor location, and you are caught in the open in a tornado, try to find a depression such as a ditch or culvert to hide in. Lie flat, make as small a target as possible. If you can, wrap a covering around exposed portions of your body. Storm Warning Cease Activity
Weapons Policy Only “mock” or practice weapons can be used during Sport club practice times. Under no circumstances can real weapons be brought into the ASRFC or to any Sport Club practice, competition, or special event. Only approved “weapons” will be allowed during practice times. The following are “mock” weapons approved for Sport Club practices. Approved – subarito, bokken, tanto, jo, wooden gun, shainai, sai, aikiken, aikijo, fencing foil, epee, saber
Heat Policy Play will be altered when the Heat Index for Lawrence (zip 66045) is between 90 and 102. This means that play will be stopped every minutes for a water break. In addition, play will be altered when the Heat Index reaches 103 to 124. This means play will be stopped every 15 minutes for water and rest breaks (only shorts and t-shirts allowed, no helmets or protective pads). Water and breaks should be taken in the shade whenever possible. Play will be postponed when the Heat Index is 125 or above. All play will be stopped. Play may be delayed when either the Heat Index is expected to be 125 or higher or reaches 125 or higher and is expected to come down shortly. This delay will be determined by KURS Facility Management staff by 3pm weekdays and 10am on weekends, unless special conditions require other times. Once programs and activities are running, staff in charge will make the decision on playing conditions. Water and breaks should be taken in the shade whenever possible
An offense against a person is committed when a student: Engages in hazing of another person for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, or continuation of membership in any organization operating under the sanction of the University. HAZING (As written in the KU Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities) THERE IS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR ALL HAZING DISCREPANCIES
Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any action, activity or situation which recklessly, negligently or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health, welfare or safety of a person, creates excessive fatigue, mental or physical discomfort, exposes a person to extreme embarrassment or ridicule, involves personal servitude, or substantially interferes with the academic requirements or responsibilities of a student. It is presumed that hazing is a forced activity regardless of the apparent willingness of an individual to participate in the activity. Hazing, continued
KU Facilities
Facilities Available for use Ambler Student Recreation and Fitness Center SC Weight Room, Basketball courts, Martial Arts room, Aerobics room, Tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, challenge course, Sport Club office, etc. Shenk Robinson Boathouse Water Ski facility
Scheduling Practice Facilities All regularly scheduled practice requests will still be submitted via hardcopy to your Program Manager. Only special events and meeting requests will be scheduled via DoSportsEasyKU
Scheduling Meeting or Event Space When requesting a meeting space please go to DoSportsEasyKU and fill out an event form Must be turned in at least 10 business days in advance When requesting a space for a large event, please notify the sport club staff at least 1 month in advance. Larger events will require more advanced notice.
Office Suite Information To use the Sport Club Office Suite, one must swipe their KUID card at the Welcome Center ID check station. Only current KU students will be allowed to use the office suite. If a student has not purchased a membership during summer sessions, the use of the office suite must be approved by either the Sport Club Coordinator or the club’s designated Program Manager. Office hours: 9am-5pm, weekdays only OMNI lock codes If you wish to have an OMNI lock code to enter both the office suite AND sport club weight room, you must your Program Manager to set up a meeting.
Office Conduct Be courteous to other sport club members and Rec Center staff while upstairs No one is allowed to cut through the downstairs office to get upstairs. You must swipe your KU ID (or finger print) in order to gain access to the Recreation Center and the upstairs office. Your mailboxes are located in room 205 (just outside of Emilie’s office) Office Suite Information
Weight Room Information For all sport clubs, there is a Weight Room available for use in the basement of the ASRFC. A training session must be completed with a personal trainer prior to Sport Club use. If you haven’t completed a Weight Room training session with a personal trainer please contact your Program Manager. To access the Weight Room, you must obtain an OMNI lock code OMNI Code setup: Apply IN PERSON in the Sport Club Office with the tech staff.
Weight Room Schedule
Aerobics Studio & Court 1923 Schedule
Knopp & Yoder Schedule
Rock Chalk Court Schedule *Women’s Ultimate only has reserved spots during Shenk cancelations.
Martial Arts Studio Schedule
Robinson Racquetball Courts & Room 207 Schedule
Tennis Court Schedule
Robinson Pool & Chalk Rock Schedule
Shenk Remember that if you need anything for practice or games at Shenk please ask us first. While out at Shenk the SC Supervisor, Intramural Supervisor, or Special Events personnel on duty will be your point of contact. IMPORTANT: Shenk fields will close mid November
Shenk Schedule
Sport Clubs Equipment Available to Check-Out Extension cord (2) Field Liners (3) Table (3) Cones (100) Folding Canopy (1) Water Coolers (8) White Field Paint Orange Field Paint 6’ x 8’ Trailer Garmin GPS (3) Sony Cybershot Camera (2) Sony Video Camera Mount for Tripod (2) Kingston 4GB Memory Card (1) Go Pro (2) Go Pro Remote (2) USB Cable Head Strap and Quick Clip (1) Waterproof Case (Dive Housing) (1)
Club Inventory Check-Out Each club is required to maintain an inventory list. A club officer will be required to bring an updated inventory list each time equipment is checked in or out. Please schedule an appointment with your program manager before coming to check-out equipment You are only allowed to get equipment from Kendall or Mykala Inclusive inventory list due 9/12 by 5pm
Break! (Be back in 10 minutes)
Officer Resource Binder The ORB is meant for officers to keep track of the important documents directly corresponding to their club. These binders should be maintained throughout the year and brought to the last meeting of the spring 15’ semester Features COMs Meetings Schedule Club Contacts Sport Club Staff contacts are listed on the inside cover. The club program contacts should be listed as well as any other important contacts for your club in particular (Advisor, Coach, off-campus facility coordinator, etc…) Individual Club Schedules This includes normal practice and weight room time. Club Constitution Club Budget Inventory List Popular Vendors Program vendors are listed for each Club List previous vendors that the club has good history with (be sure to include that contact information in this section)
DoSportsEasyKU What is it? An online system that KU Sport Clubs will utilize to: Register members (acts as liability waiver) Register Travel Representatives Exceptions: (W9, EFT, voided check, DL, and auto insurance will still need to be submitted via hardcopy. Submit travel documents Exceptions: Travel Receipt Logs and receipts Submit meeting space, tabling, and event space requests Exceptions: Regularly scheduled semester practices All clubs must sign up on DoSportsEasyKU! Sign in with your KU ID and password It is NOT mandatory to sign all members up on Rock Chalk Central. Only the club officers and advisor must be registered.
Video Tutorial
Meetings 2 Sport Club Council meetings (beginning of each semester) 2+ members are required to be present Club Officer Meetings – aka COM (monthly) 1+ member is required Small group discussions More interactive Exit Interview (last meeting of spring semester) All outgoing & incoming officers AND advisor(s) are required to attend Replaces the monthly COM
Sport Club Council meetings 2 per school year (beginning of each semester) 2 (or more) members are required to attend It is recommended that all officers and advisor attend. Anyone that is thinking about being a future officer is also welcome. Length: 2 hours Discuss policies & procedures set forth by SC Program, KU, state of Kansas, etc. Discuss any changes that will be implemented
COMs (Club Officer Meetings) What is it? A COM will take the place of previous, monthly Sport Club Council meetings. Smaller group meetings Occur 1 time per month Length: 1 hour Teams were assigned based on similarities in location or type of sport Why the change? Smaller meeting groups allow the Program Managers to interact more effectively and efficiently with each individual club. COMs also promote a conversational environment rather than lecture-based meeting. COM schedules listed in ORB and in the Handbook
Exit Interview Each Sport Club will be required to attend an Exit Interview with both Program Managers and the Sport Club Coordinator at the end of the spring semester in order to: Help introduce future officers to the way the club operates, pass on completed ORB if officers are graduating Report to the staff on club engagements for the year Give suggestions to Sport Club program for the following year Each club will do a S.W.O.T. analysis for their club and present the findings to the Sport Club Program Managers and Coordinator
This interview will take the place of the last COMs meeting for the school year Officers will have 3 weeks to schedule a time with their Program Signups are online (from 3/6/15 – 3/23/15) Advisors MUST be present at this interview Exit Interview Checklist Additional information can be found in the Exit Interview Checklist document Exit Interview
Disciplinary Procedures for Missed Meetings Failure to attend a COM will result in the following: 1 st meeting: $25 fine from Restricted Fee Account/SOFAS & verbal/written reprimand 2 nd meeting: $100 fine & suspension of club activities until meeting is made up 3 rd meeting: 1 year probationary period (refer to Handbook) Missed COMs Failure for 1 or both Club Representatives to attend any SCC Meeting will result in the following: A probationary period including the following: $50 fine from the Restricted Fee Account/SOFAS Account Verbal and written reprimand Suspension of all club activities until the meeting is made-up All remaining COMs in the semester must be attended by at least 1 Council Representative. If a COM is missed, the Sport Club will lose Sport Club status within the Sport Club Program ALL MISSED MEETINGS MUST BE MADE UP WITHIN 5 BUSINESS DAYS OF THE ABSENCE. Missed SCC Meetings
Finances 3 KU accounts: Restricted Controlled by Rec Services SOFAS Controlled by the KU Comptroller’s Office Endowment Own entity – usually pertains to tax writeoffs
Restricted Controlled by KU Recreation Services What is it? The Restricted Fee Account is the money distributed to the Sport Club Program every Fiscal Year. Where does that money come from? $4 of every KU student’s fee is allocated to the Sport Club Program How is the money distributed? Allocation of last year’s funds was based on Generated Income and members within each club This allocation process has changed for all upcoming allocations
What can we use the Restricted money for? Travel (hotels, gas, transportation, event registration fees) Club equipment Uniforms Club memberships to national organizations Personnel (officials or outside instructors) Facility usage and rental fees Advertising (up to $175) No money can be deposited into a club’s Restricted Account Restricted
SOFAS Account Controlled by KU Comptroller (Room 20 Caruth O’ Leary – Lisa Hetrick) What is it? A separate account for all KU Student Organizations How does it work? Acts similar to a bank account May deposit and take out money ONLY ISSUES CHECKS (no credit cards or POs) Deposits: This account accepts all Sport Club deposits Dues, fundraisers, donations (that are NOT tax deductible) What type of items can we purchase? Practically anything! BUT it’s always best to ask first!
Endowment What is it? The Endowment Association is considered a public charity, thus qualifying as an independent tax- exempt organization under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, because of its mission to support the activity of the University of Kansas which is a recognized tax exempt purpose. What can Clubs use it for? Usually Endowment money is saved specifically for scholarships or special circumstances that promote the good of the whole and KU Ex: Making a national tournament
Purchases KU Recreation Services is responsible for all financial transactions concerning the Restricted Fee and Endowment Funds. When clubs intend to use their Restricted Fee Allocations or Endowment Funds, they must submit a Purchase Request document and its corresponding paperwork to a Program Manager.
Club Allocation System As of the Fiscal Year 2015, Club Allocations will be based upon Generated Income and a Report Card System. The Report Card consists of 6 categories: Mandatory Paperwork Mandatory Meetings Travel Paperwork Community Involvement (optional) Executive Board Involvement Disciplinary Penalties
Generated Income What is it? Generated income is defined as any money that a club contributes to the SOFAS system and Endowment account within a fiscal year: including dues, fundraising, and donations. A fiscal year begins on the 1 st business day in February and ends on the last business day the following January. A club will be placed into level 1-5 based upon the amount of money generated and deposited into the SOFAS account and Endowment account.
Grading Scale The point system is based on factors such as administrative compliance, meeting attendance, involvement, and membership. Each club’s funding will be defined by the report card system in a prioritized system. The higher the grade a club receives, the higher priority the club is given in the allocation process (within its GI level).
Points Allocated - Paperwork
Points Allocated – Meetings & Travel
Community Service This year we are encouraging club engagement in different community service opportunities. Involvement in the community is mutually exclusive – it benefits all participating parties. Community Service is optional but can benefit clubs that actively perform community service projects.
Points Allocated – Community Involvement (Optional)
Points Allocated – Exec Board Involvement & Disciplinary Penalties
COMs Team Discussion What are your goals for your club this year? What are some things that you are unsure about in regards to what we discussed today, things that are asked of you, and/or the overall sport club program?
Club Constitution DUE SUNDAY, 9/14 VIA (by midnight) A constitution guide is available online to use as a guide for creating and/or updating a club’s constitution Be as detailed as possible! Include items such as: Dues (plus any stipulations) Equipment usage National organization information Responsibilities of each officer Coaching regulations Responsibilities of club members Etc.
Club Budget Mockup DUE SUNDAY, 9/14 VIA (by midnight) This mockup will be ed out to you tomorrow. What is it? The Bugdet Mockup is used to outline a club’s financial path for the school year. It requires a detailed list of: Club expenses Club Income All 3 accounts associated with the Club
Things to Remember W9 & EFT Make sure to use your PERMANENT address not CURRENT BE SURE to include a date and signature Travel Adhere to travel document turn in dates 15 days for clubs using Restricted 10 days for clubs not using Restricted
Miscellaneous Items Updated Contact Info for the website if needed Registrar Verification Forms: Please give about 2 weeks notice before any deadlines. DO NOT drop forms off at the Registrar, bring the forms to us. Marketing Opportunities at the ASRFC There are two video boards that you can advertise for your club on, send us a message if you would like to use them. Tell us who, what, when, and where and we will get it put up. After approval, flyers may also be posted on 2 Rec. bulletin boards.
Adams Campus Challenge Course For Adams Campus Challenge Course: The Challenge course can come to you! Contact Outdoor Pursuits if you would like to set up a time at the ASRFC.
Upcoming Forms Due First COMs session: 9/22 – 9/25. CHECK YOUR ORB OR HANDBOOK FOR SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS.