Types of Sentences Get with the code!!.


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Presentation transcript:

Types of Sentences Get with the code!!

Why different types of sentences? Sentence type helps the reader understand the message of the author. The different types have different functions and tones. Author’s choose sentence types very carefully. What are the four different types of sentences we all use? Statement (.) Question (?) Command ( . or !) Exclamation (!)

Statement also called Declarative Declarative sentences make statements or just tell something. They are not read with much emotion. They can be facts, description, dialogue, narration. The capital of Florida is Tallahassee. Her brown hair whipped in the wind as she hung out the window. “I am going home to do my homework.” Declarative sentences end with a period. (This was a declarative sentence.) (So was that. )

Question also called Interrogative Interrogative sentences ask a question. They end with a question mark. Did you know the main industry in Hawaii is tourism? Why do I have to do my homework? Why do people explore? Is it important to recognize the different types of sentences?

Command also called Imperative Imperative sentences sometimes you is the understood subject {you}. Wash the dishes. (You need to do this.) Do your homework. (You need to do this, too.) You must never swim alone. (Subject is included, but it is still a command.) Imperative sentences can be punctuated with a period or exclamation point. It depends on how the author wants you to read it. Give the dog water. Give the dog water! (The exclamation point means you read this with more urgency in your voice. The dog must be very thirsty.)

Exclamation also called Exclamatory Exclamatory sentences show emotion or surprise. They are punctuated with an exclamation mark. This tells you to read it louder and with more emotion in your voice. I just saw a dolphin! My shoe is on fire! I was sent to the principal’s office! It wasn’t my fault!

Please get out your grammar books. What type of sentence is the title of this screen? (What type of sentence is this?) Open to page 3. (Here is another one!) (We could go on like this all day.)

Practice Make Perfect i lost my folder on the bus Rewrite the following sentences using correct punctuation and ending punctuation. i lost my folder on the bus when do i turn in my homework i am terrified of bugs sunny is my friend meadow ridge school is the best school in the world

Share and Compare Partner 1 Partner 2 Share your sentences with your partner. Listen to what your partner has to say about your capitalization and punctuation. Make corrections on your paper. Thank your partner. Check your partner’s paper. Compliment your partner. Check the sentences for capitalization and punctuation errors. Respectfully correct mistakes. Compliment your partner. Give your paper to your partner for checking. Thank your partner.

Practice Make Perfect – So Let’s Do It Again Rewrite the following sentences using correct punctuation and ending punctuation. freckles, the dog, is very smart clean your room apples are good for you i have too much homework where is my backpack

Share and Compare Partner 1 Partner 2 Share your sentences with your partner. Listen to what your partner has to say about your capitalization and punctuation. Make corrections on your paper. Thank your partner. Check your partner’s paper. Compliment your partner. Check the sentences for capitalization and punctuation errors. Respectfully correct mistakes. Compliment your partner. Give your paper to your partner for checking. Thank your partner.

Identify the type of sentences. will there be ravioli at the party you must sweep the floor i am tired of sweeping the floor computers are helpful the car drove by slowly i am afraid Types of Sentences Imperative (1) Declarative(2) Interrogative(3) Exclamatory(4)