Salaat بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Presentation by Laiqa Hussain
Allah, the most high, tells us, in His Glorious Qur’an: … that is Allah, your Master, so worship Him; will ye not be reminded?! [Yunus 10:3] Those who establish prayer and, from what We have provisioned the, dispense: those, they are the genuine believers, there are degrees alongside their Master and forgiveness and a noble provision [Al Anfal 8:3 ] And seek help through restraint and the prayer; indeed they are huge, save for the humbled. [Al Baqarah 2:45] 26 ayahs are mentioned in the Qur’an about Salaat (prayer) Indeed I am Allah, there is no god but I, so worship Me and establish the prayer to remember Me. [Ta Ha 20:14]
Salaat: In the words of our Messenger and Imams, all goodness be upon them “The Prayer is the Believer’s Light” The Messenger (saw) “Islam is built on five: the prayer, the zakat, the fast, the hajj and the guardianship” Imam Baqir (as) “The best of that by which a servant becomes close to Allah, after the recognition of Allah is the prayer” Imam Musa Kazim (as) “Whenever a servant prostrates, Iblis cries out: “Woe! He obeyed but I disobeyed; He prostrated but I refused.” Imam Ali (as) “The dearest of activities to Allah, the Grand the Glorious, is the prayer, and the that is the last testimony of the prophets” Imam Sadiq (as) “Indeed the prayer is the best worship of Allah” Imam Raza (as) “The prayer purifies you of arrogance.” Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) “When a person says the salams of the prayer, Allah says salams to him and the angels say salams to him” Imam Hasan Askari (as)
Tawheed Qiyamat Imamat Adalat-AdlNabuwat The Roots of Islam (Usool-e-Deen) The Branches Of Islam (Furu-e-Deen) Salaat (prayer) Roza-fasting HajjZakat Khums Jihaad Amir bil Maroof Nahi anil Munkar Tawallah Tabara These are all wajib acts Salaat is mentioned that means it is wajib for you to read it
The prayer is like a river flowing past the door of one of you; he washes in it every day, so that thereby all dirt is removed. The Messenger When the human is at prayer, indeed his body and clothes and everything about him glorifies (Allah). Imam Ali (as) Indeed the angel of death removes the devil from one who safeguards the prayer, and at that grievous time has him recite that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Imam Sadiq (as) “If the person at prayer knew the mercy that was enveloping him he would never raise his head from prostration” Imam Ali (as) The prayer is the house of sincerity. Imam Baqir (as) The prayer seeks the servants arrival at Allah‘s mercy Imam Raza (as)
The first obligation that Allah laid upon my nation is the five prayers The Messenger (as) When you meet Allah with five obligatory prayers, you will not be asked beyond that Imam Sadiq (as) He who wishes to worship purifies himself for it; and when the recommended prayers obstruct the obligatory, leave them aside. Imam Hasan (as) 4 The recommended prayers are only accepted after the obligatory prayers are accepted. Imam Baqir (as) Be aware that the best of the obligations, after the recognition of Allah, the Grand and Glorious, are the five prayers Imam Raza (as)