OBJECTIVES PROJECT Project Virtual Open-Access Network for Education and Training - Enhancing Interconnectivity between European and Asian Universities P roject References: 1.Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Fibiger, B (2002): Learning in Virtual Environments, Samfundslitteratur. 2.Ryberg, T (2003) : Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi i gymnasiet – set i et læringsperspektiv. Abstract available at The project aims to establish a virtual network to advance information exchange, increase communications, improve networking and develop joint courses and curricula through the introduction of new technologies to existing networks in Asia and Europe. The project targets higher education students and academics within the areas of environment and development at universities in Malaysia, Thailand, Spain and Denmark. DUCED-IU&ATUCED-IU&AMUCED-IU&A E-learning lab F our objectives To strengthen electronic interconnectivity between the consortium universities' existing network, through the establishment of a virtual network. Thereby, enhancing network building, joint course development, communication and information exchange for higher education. The overall objective will be achieved by structuring the project into 4 sub- objectives, which aim to define, establish and test the virtual network. The 4 sub objectives are described in detail below: Establishment of institutional and administrative framework to ensure the sustainability of the virtual network and reinforce the existing network creating 1 To establish a conceptual pedagogic framework to identify key educational and cultural approaches for a successful implementation of a virtual network 2 Laura Zurita Assistant Researcher Aalborg University – Department of Communication Mail: To design and implement an open-access Web-based Education and Networking service (WEN) to enhance the interconnectivity of the existing network 3 To test the virtual network through development of educational curricula, the design of online courses and running of those courses 4 : : If you have any questions regarding the or the activities of e-learning lab – Please do not hestitate to contact us here at the conference or later. Thomas Ryberg Assistant Researcher Aalborg University – Department of Communication Mail: EUROPEAN COMMISION Establishment of pedagogical framework for Identification of pedagogic concepts and tools applied for e-learning and identification of applicable virtual communication tools : Through practical and collaborative experiments in the virtual learning laboratory we aim to establish a sustainable pedagogical framework. The partners of the discuss and conduct online experiment in a cross-cultural context in order to identify pedagogical concepts and approaches. Thus developing electronic and documented procedures for the future pedagogic framework to be implemented in courses at universities in Thailand, Malaysia, Spain and Denmark within the field of environment and development. Establishment of virtual learning laboratory : As an activity of the a virtual learning laboratory has been established. The virtual learning laboratory serves as a platform for the LIVE-course (Learning In Virtual Environments). The platform used is Virtual-U, which is a stable, solidly tested, cross-browser environment requiring only a minimum of bandwidth. In Virtual-U the LIVE-course is currently in progress, thus enhancing the collaboration between the participants in the In the LIVE-course the participants interact and communicate in order to collaboratively identifying pedagogical concepts and tools. Identifying Pedagogical approaches : Through the LIVE-course we aim at discussing the possibilities of implementing more learner centred and collaborative methods in future online courses. We aim at moving from an “instructional paradigm” towards more learner centred and dialogical methods. The pedagogical concepts of Problem Oriented Project Pedagogy (POPP) or Problem Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL) are central in this project. Thus the LIVE course is an introduction and discussion of these pedagogical models in online courses. Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld Research professor Aalborg University – Department of Communication Mail: Participating universities: Thailand (TUCED-IU&A): Chiang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, The Prince of Songkhla University Denmark (DUCED-IU&A): DTU (Technical University of Denmark), Aalborg University, Copenhagen Business School, Roskilde University, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Malaysia (MUCED IU&A): Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kabangsaan, ersiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Spain: Universitat de Barcelona Representatives of e-learning lab: Links: TUCED-IU&A: || DUCED-IU&A: || MUCED-IU&A: || E-learning lab: