Williston State College Physical Therapist Assistant Program By Robert Benson
Physical Therapist Assistant One of the fastest growing medical professions Predicted further growth with the “Baby Boom” generation aging
What is a PTA? Assists the Physical Therapist in the practice of applying various physical treatments to help restore function. This would include using exercise, massage, heat, cold, electricity, water and assistive devices.
Background Information Program began in August st class graduated in May st program within a 5 state region - ND, MT, SD, WY, CO Maximum of 16 students taken each year 2 1/2 year program
WSC Program 2 ½ Year Associate in applied Science program
Educational Requirements 1st year - Prerequisite courses –A&P, Chemistry, Physics, English, Speech, Math, Psychology, First Aid, Computer, Intro to PT Apply for admission - March 2nd year - Program courses –Kinesiology, Treatment Issues, Pathology, Therapeutic Exercise, Modalities, Neurological Rehab, Assessment, Adv Techniques,and Adv Exercises Summer - two eight-week affiliations
Licensure Exam taken after fieldwork is completed Computerized –150 questions –multiple choice –3 hours Most States (48) require licensure
Employment Settings Hospital Private office Extended care facility / Nursing home Rehabilitation center Home health agency School system Academic institutions
Earnings Vary across the country $20,000 - $30,000 per year starting $10 - $15 per hour
Hazards Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Spine injuries Exposure to Disease Need proper warm up and to watch body mechanics
Combining PTA and MT 2 1/2 years of PTA program courses 1 year MT program courses
Contact Information Robert Benson Williston State College PO Box 1326 Williston, ND