Infrared Waves.
Where does it appears in the EM Spectrum? -between Microwaves and Ultra Waves.
The way of remembering all the waves in order: R – red M – men I – in V – very U – ugly X- x-ray G – gowns
What type of wave is it? -It is a transverse type of wave.
Can it travel through a vacuum? Yes infrared waves are part of electromagnets radiation spectrum and all electromagnets will Propagate through a vacuum.
Frequency and wavelength around the spectrum: sizes for wavelength are 875 nm, 880 nm, 890 nm, 940 nm and 950 nm
Examples of emitters (what does emit mean?) An infrared emitter is a source of light energy in the infrared spectrum. It is a light emitting diode (LED) that is used in order to transmit infrared signals from a remote control. Emit means weather to give out or send, for example “The lamp had Emitted a warm glow”
Uses/dangers of this wave : This wave ISNOT visible however we can feel it as it is heat energy. Its used for: -Burglar alarms -Security lights - remote controls -x-rays Dangers: -causes skin burns - X-rays can cause damage cells
This is the experiment that we did for Infrared waves
By : Vinell, Kennedy, Libby and Shaniqua.