Alpine Ski Racing One TDTR for All Uses An important revision /10 update AB Church
Timing & Data Technical Repor
Codex or Race Code Event Gender Codex Note the “check boxes”
Race Site and State Nation Event Name Date (dd/mm/yy)
Equipment Sys Timer A Sys Timer B Start Gate Finish Cell A Finish Cell B Brand Name Model or Type Serial Number Homologation #
Brand Model Serial # Homol. # ALGE S ALG Timers
Brand Model Serial # Homol. # ALGE STScM2S ALG.S51.03 Start Gate
Photo Cells Brand Model Serial # Homol. # ALGE RLS1 - ALG.L65.03
Timing & Data Technical Report
Software Software & Results Preparation Brand Version Date Results=Tapes Split Second National/FIS Rev. 1- 3/08 Confirmed
Connections How do we communicate signals/data from Start to Finish? How is voice communication handled between Start and Finish? Cable Radio Snowmobile Ski Lift Skier ?? Connections to Start:System ASystem BVoice Comm. Cable, Radio or other- (Specify)CABLE CABLE/RADIO
Warm-up and Synchronization At what time is the run scheduled to start? –Is there a rule about Synchronization? –What is the minimum recommended warm up time?
Is there a maximum? Discuss Hand Time Synchronization. Discuss Second run Synchronization.
Synchronization and Synch + 1 Minute Are Systems A and B synchronized? –How close are they? What is the maximum difference acceptable? –So what? What about Hand Times? –So what? expressed in thouandths. System A (TOD) #System B (TOD) #Hand Sync, Synchronization Time10: Synch confirm at +1 minute10:46: :46:00.023
First Competitor Quality Check Is Net Time the same as A time-of-day difference? –How close are they? –Does Net Time agree with Official Results? What is the B time-of-day difference? –Discuss the difference? What about Hand Time? Comment on system synchronization?
Last Competitor Quality Check Is Net Time the same as A time-of-day difference? –How close are they? –Does Net Time agree with Official Results? What is the B time-of-day difference? –Discuss the difference? What about Hand Time? Comment on system synchronization? System A (TOD) #System B (TOD) #Net Time
First Run Summary Why do we show Best run-time? Anything else?
Second Run Synch and +1 minute Are Systems A & B synchronized? Discuss! Time of day expressed in thouandths. Synchronization Time Sync h confirm at +1 minute
Second Run Summary Comment on First and Last racer quality data? Anything else?
Race Summary List any or all bib numbers in the results timed on any system other than system A in all runs (indicate run). WHY? Batteries Snow obscuration Wire break Photocell alignment Other? (describe). Data source for replacement system A time (resp. ICR )? System B System C Manual
Race Comments –What comments might or should be shown?
Certification Any discussion on this? Are we through now?
Sign Off Chief of Timing –Printed Name –Telephone nr. – address –USSA member nr. –SIGNATURE Technical Delegate –Printed Name –Telephone nr. – address –FIS TD # –SIGNATURE Chief of Timing - Name (Print) , TelephoneSignature Albbun Dfrgsjdbbb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Technical Delegate - Name, NAT (Print) , TelephoneSignatureFIS TD # PGGHEY, Ghhhudd, CAN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IJK Download this form from
USSA Domestic Program Codex or Race Code Include U or N USSA scored or non-scored designator with USSA Race Code (in lieu of Codex)
USSA Domestic Sign-off Chief of Timing –Printed Name –Telephone nr. – address –USSA member nr. –SIGNATURE Technical Delegate –Printed Name blank –Telephone nr. – address –USSA member nr. –SIGNATURE
Thanks For Your Attention This is an upgraded presentation this season. It takes advantage of work of others in preparing for Officials Education. The intention was to build a vehicle that can be used for explaining the intricacies of the form as well as for updating Timing Guys as well as bright Technical Delegates. Thanks to Thelma for her continuing leadership. ABC 8/08
The Chief of Timing and Calculations is responsible for supervising, documenting and enforcing the quality control of all actual timing functions and the official results, and is not intended to be the individual operating the electronic timing equipment or the timing/race result software.