Categories: Form: Film Trailer Trailer Conventions ·they highlight the ‘best bits’ of the film; the very funny, very sad, action-packed, bizarre etc. ·they showcase the stars of the film ·some visual images barely stay on screen long enough for us to recognise what we are seeing ·conversations between characters often consist of one-liners ·dramatic camera angles may be chosen to show events or characters ·action is interspersed with credits on screen ·voiceovers are used to tell the story and give credit information ·music plays an important role in creating atmosphere ·the title may not appear until the end ·the trailer builds to a climax, where it ends
REPRESENTATION Key terms cultural assumptions - ideas held by one culture about another culture (non) stereotypes - putting people into categories (boxes) preferred reading - what the people who made the text want you to think differential decoding - interpreting meanings in different ways from the preferred reading (Laura's mum) cultureScottish/ British Western teen - parents: annoying, old-fashioned, out-of-date ideas, bossy, hypocritical, demanding, strict, condescending Gaelic Christian
NARRATIVE Key Terms ·narrative structure - how the story is told; the way it is constructed, put together, built up ·narrative codes - Barthes's codes including enigmatic, action, semic, cultural, referential codes - codes that indicate particular meanings about the way the story is told ·narrative conventions - codes used to indicate a particular genre When you study a media text, you learn that its narrative has been very carefully constructed. Explain how the narrative structure and/or narrative codes in a media text you have studied have been shaped to engage audiences, or develop representations or meet institutional demands. ·gong symbolises the start - setting the scene (music and establishing shot) ·Classic Hollywood Narrative - normality Kung Fu experts skilled moves voiceover drums and music slow motion names on intertitle/caption cards ·builds up to an expected climax (Audience) ·instead, they get an anti-climax - creating humorous tone (Audience) ·Classic Hollywood Narrative - disruption in the form of a problem Panda no good at Kung Fu eating cookies - hungry nervous - 'Don't tell...' no support - music cuts out ·Classic Hollywood Narrative - conflict/ confrontation with Shifu - 'Show us what you can do.' with the other animals ·Classic Hollywood Narrative - return to normality However, this one does not because it is a film trailer. ·enigmatic code to encourage the audience to go and see the film - questions How is the problem resolved? ·action code to tell the audience there is going to be a happy ending - answers use of comedy and humour bright colours
Name at least three things you noticed about the use of sound in 'The Dark Knight' film trailer. ·How using a sound can create the same effect as a transition like a jump cut. E.g. the 'boom' separates different scenes ·The use of the 'knife' sound helps anchor down that the Joker is dangerous. In other words, it helps tell the story. ·The 'whoosh' creates a dramatic fade-in. ·There is lots of detail used in the sound. For example, quiet use of strings, music fading, explosions, when the music stops, car noises and footsteps. ·They stop the music when the Joker starts talking ('Good evening, ladies and gentlemen) because everything stops for him and that makes him appear powerful. ·They use a full orchestra for the most dramatic parts, such as 'The Dark Knight' title.
Analysis Practice 'The Dark Knight' film trailer Type/medium: film trailer Key Aspect: Representation Batman is a stereotypical superhero. Stereotypical superhero? ·costumewe see his bat costume ·title'Kill the Batman' ·symbolwe see the bat symbol on the light beacon ·secret identity conversation between Harvey Dent, Rachel Dawes and Bruce Wayne: 'Rachel's told me everything about you.' 'I certainly hope not.' ·powersglides down from a skyscraper ·gadgets, carsbatpod, arm cuffs, lamborghini, batmobile ·fight crime'Now I see what I have to become to defeat men like him' ·save people? ·nemesis Why is this stereotype included in the text? Batman comic fans will recognise the character as fitting in with their view of him. Teenagers and fans of action will be impressed by his gadgets and hi- tech stunts. Some women may be attracted by his looks and riches which are implied through him going to fancy restaurants. Or, they may be attracted by his power, strength and his mystery because he wears a mask. This will attract a wide audience and will therefore make Warner Brothers a large profit. The Joker is a stereotypical villain. Stereotypical villain? ·evil laughwe hear his eerie laughter three times ·evil plan'Kill the Batman' ·recognisable - themeevil clown makeup and fake smile, scarred face, joker card ·lots of power and controlsat round table with lots of criminals listening to him; he claps and it starts destruction and chaos; he burns a huge pile of money; the music stops so we can hear him ·often work in darknesshe comes out of darkness - jump-cuts or fade-ins from black ·minions - followerscriminals, masked clowns in the party ·insanehis make-up, 'This city deserves a better class criminal.', he burns the money ·conflict with a hero'Kill the Batman.'
AUDIENCE Audiences react to media texts in different ways (e.g. with enjoyment, interest, boredom, shock, surprise, anger etc.) One reaction to the text would be interest. The audience might be interested in action, comic genre (superheroes), characters of Batman and the Joker. The section of the audience who would have this reaction include: ·comic book fans ·action fans ·teenagers who enjoy special effects ·female audience attracted to actors ·12+ because of action etc. Teenagers would be interested in the film trailer because: ·the special effects - lorry flipping ·the gadgets - batwings ·the cars - batmobile, lamborghini, batpod ·superheroes and villains - Batman and the Joker ·clips of chase scenes - during rapid montage at the end ·explosions - hospital ·the imaginative scenes - use of fantasy - bat costume ·the Joker's blend of humour - eerie laughter, 'Here's my card' ·stunts - Batman gliding off skyscraper ·weapons - knife, guns ·attractive actors - Christian Bale ·violence - ·the use of excitement and suspense - build up of excitement and suspense through rapid editing - quick jump cuts - so that our focus is on the title at the end
NARRATIVE The narrative structure of the text begins with a dramatic start - indicated by a jump cut from black. Then the trailer slowly builds suspense using drumbeats and action scenes. The tension is built up even more with a rapid montage of exciting action scenes until the trailer reaches a climax. At this point we see the title, 'The Dark Knight'. However, the trailer ends with a comic scene between two characters and this creates an anticlimax. Why has the narrative structure of the text been organised this way? ·dramatic start - to capture the audience's attention ·slowly build up suspense - to keep the audience watching and to start making them feel more interested ·rapidly build tension - to grip the audience - because it is exciting ·climax - to stop and focus our attention on the title, tension at its highest point, helps us remember the title ·anticlimax - to inform the audience that there will be comedy; to provide light relief after the dark, serious tone
INSTITUTION Who produced the text? Warner Brothers or DC Comics or Legendary Pictures Are they linked to other companies? Who financed the production? Legendary Pictures What was the production budget? thousands or millions of dollars How was the text distributed? cinema, internet, DVDs, TV What was the certification on the film and the film trailer? 12 (film) PG? U? trailer How much money did the film earn on the box office weekend? How much gross profit has the film made so far?
INSTITUTIONS Funding is very important to any media text. If you do not have lots of money, then you are limited with what you can do. How has the text been funded? Warner Brothers - one of the world's biggest film companies - funded the production. The filmmakers had a budget of $185 million. There is also product placement. There is a lamborghini mentioned in the trailer. The Batman logo is used in the trailer to advertise the film. Describe how this funding has affected the text. huge budget - special effects such as the big exploding building and the huge lorry flipping right over detail and quality of the Batman costume and mask, the Batmobile and the Batpod paying for well-known actors, such as Christian Bale (Batman), Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox), Michael Caine (Alfred) and Gary Newman (Commissioner Gordon) - well-established, famous, well respected. paying for popular, up and coming, good looking actors, such as Aaron Eckhart (Harvey Dent), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Rachel Dawes) and Heath Ledger (the Joker) lots of extras (party scene, police running away) lots of stunts (zip wire stunt, Batman gliding from skyscraper) close down the street to film lorry flipping expensive Imax cameras put lots of money into making an exciting, interesting film trailer which shows off the best parts of the film
Categories 1)Describe two purposes of this film trailer. (2) to inform the audience of the plot, who the characters are, what it is called to persuade the audience to go and see the film 2)For each purpose you have identified, explain your reason. (2) to inform the audience is called the 'The Dark Knight', the characters' names (Batman, the Joker, Alfred), the production company (Warner Brothers), the genre (action), the plot (villains versus the hero). to persuade by using good looking actors, such as Aaron Eckhart and Christian Bale, by including lots of action (exploding buildings), supercars, high tech gadgets, exciting stunts, enigmas (mysteries). 3)Is the tone of this film trailer serious, sarcastic or humorous? (1) The tone is serious and dark, but it has elements of humour. 4)Give two reasons for your answer. (2) dark shots when the joker is walking along the road make it serious because he is holding a knife sad faces - Rachel character looks sad when she walks away from Bruce. This suggests that the romance will end in tears or tragedy or sadness.
Representation stereotypes - superhero (Batman) ·special powers ·costume ·fight for good ·mask ·responsibility Batman fits into the stereotype because we see him at the beginning of the trailer gliding down from a skyscraper. This means he has special powers. We see his Batman suit which is used to hide his identity, so he has a costume too. Batman also fits into the stereotype of having responsibility (a mission). We see the bat beacon on the top of the building. This shows that he is responsible for responding to their cry for help. He also says, 'I see now what I have to become to defeat men like him.' This suggests that he is responsible for defeating the Joker. Batman is a non-stereotypical superhero because he may turn into the villain. Harvey Dent says to him, 'You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain'. This connotes that Batman may end up on the dark side. cultural assumptions - what people from one culture assume about a place, people, event or issue - based in truth cities - dirty, massive, polluted, loud, busy, dangerous, alleyways, full of crime, bad things happen at night dangerous - the Joker walking down the street with a knife suggests bad things are going to happen full of crime - we see the criminals listening to the Joker and he says, 'A year ago these cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross you.' This shows that the city is unsafe and its was dangerous before Batman came. Revision: collect evidence and explanations that show that the Joker is a stereotypical villain.
What is the name of the text you will be basing your answers on? 'The Dark Knight' What type of text is this?( eg. film poster, documentary etc.?) film trailer Audiences can be described in terms of age, gender, social class, nationality, lifestyle and interests. Identify one target audience and explain what has been included in the text to appeal to this audience. (6) action fans ·explosions - the building explosion - action fans will find this exciting ·cars like lambourghini and batmobile - convey excitement and action movies are normally exciting ·zip wire stunt - action because it is dangerous and thrilling and therefore scary ·Batman glides from the building - impressive stunt that you often see in action movies Identify one audience who would not like the text and explain why. (4) Describe a representation in the text. (5) Batman - represented as a superhero cape - to help him fly because superheroes have special powers gadgets on his arms - because superheroes have special abilities for different missions mask - because he has a secret identity like all superheroes a nemesis/enemy in the Joker - because there are always heroes and villains/ good and evil Describe how the narrative has been organised and why. (4) Institutional factors affect the making of media texts. These include: who own the media company the effect of the law on the text the effect of the budget on the text the use of stars the need to make a profit Pick two institutional factors and explain how they affect the text (6)