Calming of the Storm: Hope for Persecuted Christians Watch the story of the “Calming of the Storm” Mark 4:35-41. How could this story help persecuted Christians? Look up Mk 4:35-41 and write a of the story, adding in the dialogue Storm/ wind/ waves/ Jesus asleep/ cushion/ disciples panic/ woke Jesus/ command..??/ calm/ Jesus’ rebuke to disciples..??/ disciples amazement..??. **What could this story symbolise? To describe the Calming of the Storm To identify how the Calming of the Storm gives hope for persecuted Christians To reflect on the nature of Mark’s gospel Be Still! Why are your frightened? Have you still no faith? Who can this be, even the wind and the waves obey him.
Jesus’ calming of storm = power and control over sin and evil You are a Christian in Rome, about AD 70, hearing this story. Romans are arresting Christians and demanding they prove their loyalty to Caesar & worship him with sacrifices. This would go against Christian beliefs about God, and many Christians risk being arrested and tortured, or killed. How would this story help them? What could the wind and the waves symbolise? What could the “boat” symbolise? What does Jesus’ power over the storm symbolise? Draw the boat and label the symbols. How would this story help persecuted Christians in a time of persecution? **DO you think this story really happened as it says, or could it be symbolic? Jesus’ calming of storm = power and control over sin and evil Boat – safety & support of the Church Jesus sleeping – He is with them, but not active Storm = dangers of Roman persecution
Write out the 3 kinds of opinions different Christians may have about bible stories (in blue) Explain which opinion you agree with, about this story & why. **Do you think it matters if the main facts “did not really happen” as liberals say? Why? All details happened exactly as the Gospel says, word for word = FUNDAMENTALIST – so how would they explain this story? A. The Calming of the storm really happened exactly as the gospel says. It shows Jesus really has God’s power over nature and over the real forces of evil in the world. B. The Calming of the storm was a story exaggerated by the Church to give persecuted Christians hope in their “storm-tossed” life. It is only symbolic. C. The Calming of the storm did happen, although some details may have been changed. It shows Jesus’ power over nature. It can also be interpreted symbolically as the “storm tossed” persecuted Church battling against the evil in the world. Possibly some details changed, but main facts true. Jesus really does have this power & showed it = CONSERVATIVE - – so how would they explain this story? Maybe never even happened. Exaggerated, to help people believe in Jesus’ power. = LIBERAL – so how would they explain this story?
Relevance to 21st Century Christians Christians being arrested in China if caught taking part in their own Christian worship. In North Korea, you can be sent to a hard labour camp for owning crosses or bibles. Are people suffering similar persecution today?? In parts of the middle East (Syria), Christians are being threatened with death if they do not give up their faith, and become Muslim. Nurses in the NHS in England have been sacked if they refuse to perform abortions or speak out against abortion. Give 2 examples of Christians being persecuted today. Explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm would reassure them. **What info does Mark’s gospel have to help persecuted Christians not to lose faith?