Educational Solutions for Workforce Development The Workshops Understand the framework for practice in the context of their own role, and the organisation in which they work Identify key personal learning needs and an action plan related to the development of knowledge, capabilities and skills associated with the Senior AHP role Share practice with peers and develop a network for future engagement about learning development and practice
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Approach Reaction – were learners pleased with the programme? Learning – what was learned by the participants? Behaviour – was behaviour changed due to the learning that took place? Results/ impact – did the change in behaviour affect the organisation
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Methods Context, process and outcomes: baseline data pre programme questionnaire evaluation of each workshop: something I have learned that is new is the thing I liked best about today was something that did not work for me so well today was an action I am going to take forward as a result of today is end of programme: questionnaire 1:1 semi structured telephone interviews
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Impact of learning on practice Significant change stories: making a note of events or changes (in the form of short stories) throughout the programme, that have happened in practice as a result of things learned or implemented deciding what the most significant change has been and describe this - discussing with colleagues, manager or mentor
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Significant Change Can be in self as a person and/or as a leader. But also think what impact this change has had on: patients/ clients colleagues the quality of work or work life productivity interpersonal relationships job satisfaction Why did you choose this particular change? What difference has it made/will it make? Why do you think this difference is important? What evidence can you offer that this change has occurred? Headline
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Participants (n=71)
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Length of Time Qualified
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Length of time leading a service or team (n=40)
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Learning 1.Leadership style/ qualities, action learning, facilitation styles, value of positive stories, importance of space to think 2.Phrasing questions/techniques, action learning, curious questioning, importance of qualitative feedback and agreed ways of working, change myself and not try to change everyone else, challenge and support in equal measure 3.Even when you have thought something through some questions are really powerful for triggering new thought, enabling role, emotional touchpoints, to give people quiet to come up with their own solutions, you don’t need to know everything about a situation to be able to help them to find a solution, try more curious questions rather than problem solving, problem solving skills, evidence I am using in domains, clarifying underlying cause of resistance, positivity, importance of reflection during action learning
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Enjoyed Meeting different AHPs/ networking, sharing stories/ positive experiences, relaxed, informal and friendly atmosphere Action learning, problem solving, hearing others’ examples and evidence for capabilities, presentation on change, learning about each other and becoming closer as a group, feeling at ease to speak openly Better understanding of emotional touchpoints, smaller action learning sets, action learning as a presenter – learnt a huge amount from it, information from NES, emotional touchpoints – want to try with students, breaking down elements of framework with discussion in more detail, increased confidence in action learning, the feeling of being able to help someone to make a decision
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Didn't work 1.Slow pace, too much reflection, feeling slightly vulnerable sharing, slightly anxious about action learning 2.Out of my comfort zone, open questioning, very emotional, thinking about my own actions, action learning 3.Not clear about career framework, difficult to apply emotional touchpoints, would like more practice with enabling, more time considering domains, some negativity from other course members as I enjoy it, ifficult to structure questions as an enabler, more time to explore issues, Action learning very tiring
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Actions 1.Try out active learning set and positive stories, say thank you to my boss, consider my leadership style/ role, share the framework with colleagues, use enabling open questions with staff in supervision 2.To consider my work in terms of the domains, listen more and not jump in, obtain feedback from staff and leadership styles, read the Quality Strategy, practice action learning, start to formalise reflections on practice, reflection with staff, approach my issues from a totally different perspective instead of trying to change staff 3.Ask more open questions, try action learning set at work, use curious questioning style in everyday practice, look at using touchpoints to get feedback about, gather evidence, look at embedding patient experience information in service evaluation exercise, explore student experiences, patient stories and how they can influence practice