1 GLRA-Ethiopia Ahmed Mohammed March, 2015
Home of around 88 million people Surface area of 1,104,300 square KM 83.6%of the population lives in rural areas 9 Regional and 2 City administration More than 800 district 2 Ethiopia Country Profile
Burden of Leprosy in New Cases 3,758 Child proportion among new cases 12.8% Disability grade 2 among new cases 10.2% MDT-Completion – MB (94.6%) and PB (92.7%) Male –to-Female Ratio 2.2
1. Stopping the transmission of Leprosy 5 Leprosy Mapping and Assessment of leprosy referral centers Leprosy Mapping and Assessment of leprosy referral centers
1.1 Public Awareness IEC 7
1.2 Human Resource Development 8 Providing training on leprosy to general health workers & Health extension
9 2. Prevention of Disability
3. CBR/SER 3.1) Empowerment 10 a) S & C – cooperation formation & capacity building b) Income generation project Grain mill project Rentable house Saving & Credit
CBR/SER cont’d 3.2 Leprosy Affected special need projects a) Housing 11 ALEMYA BEFORE ALEMYA AFTER
b) Educational Support 12
C) Social security support for needy elders 13
14 Question & Answer related to WLD on Ethiopian TV Ethiopian National Association Person Affected by Leprosy (ENAPAL) President speech on World Leprosy Day) 4) Addressing barriers to inclusion (Social stigmas) World Leprosy Day Observance
Sport 15 Children of person affected by leprosy participating in town’s premier league