T EST R IG D EVELOPMENT G ROUP Voice of the Engineer Project: R13301 Rochester Institute of Technology Design Project Management ( & )
R13301 T EAMS & M EMBERS EP Printing Team Jonathan Erbelding & Sakif Noor Garlock Team Usman Asad & Jessica Fuss Polymer Membrane Team Steven Lucchesi & Seaver Wrisley
EP P RINTING Jonathan Erbelding Sakif Noor
G ARLOCK T EST R IG Usman Asad Jessica Fuss
P OLYMER M EMBRANE T EST R IG (PMTR) Steven Lucchesi Seaver Wrisley
PMTR M OTIVATION & B ACKGROUND Mission Statement: The Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Departments at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) have developed a need for a test device capable of measuring the mechanical properties of biologically relevant materials. Principle Needs: The Biomaterials professors (Drs. Lamkin-Kennard and Gaborski) need classroom equipment for student lab experiments. Satisfied by Biomaterials Instructional Test Rig. Bill Spath needs a research quality test machine to test Electroactive Polymers (EAPs) in in vivo conditions for his Ph.D. work. He needs to measure voltage output as a function of loading, and force output as a function of applied voltage. Satisfied by ASSET Test Stand.
E NGINEERING R EQUIREMENTS Biomaterials student test machine Single-axis loading Analog display Lower accuracy Manual control ASSET Test Stand Multi-axis loading Fully automated interface (Matlab or LabView) Closed loop control of loading Higher accuracy Environmental control capabilities Aqueous environment capabilities
PMTR C URRENT T ECHNOLOGY Currently, there is no lab equipment available for educational use in the two Biomaterials courses. Typical tensile testers damage biomaterials at the clamping points, rendering the test invalid Previous/Current RIT Projects: Lowell Smoger’s Biaxial Test Rig P06218 Bausch & Lomb Eye Membrane Indenter Bill Spath’s ASSET concept
Transverse Plunger Axial Servo Driver Environmental Tank Figure 1: Automated Smart Sensing EAP Tank Transverse Plunger Linkage Box EAP PMTR C URRENT T ECHNOLOGY - ASSET (A UTOMATED S MART S ENSING EAP T ANK ) Preliminary design by Bill Spath Biaxial tension tester in horizontal direction for in-plane loading Indenter for out-of-plane loading Capable of being completely filled with aqueous solution Interior made from biologically inert materials
P ROPOSED S ENIOR D ESIGN P ROJECTS Biomaterials Instructional Test Rig Design & Build Will design and build classroom test machines for the lab component of the Biomaterials courses. Staffing: 3-5 MEs Budget Estimate: $300 per Machine ASSET - Biaxial Tension Tester Redesign & Build Will redesign Lowell Smoger’s machine to have a variable x:y loading ratio (his can only apply a 1:1 ratio). Will serve as a base for the other projects to integrate into. Staffing: 3 MEs, 2 EEs Budget Estimate: $2,125 (ASSET total ~ $6,500) ASSET - Indentation Tester Design & Build Will produce an indentation tester that will integrate into mounting provided by Biaxial Tension Tester team. ASSET - Environmental Chamber Design & Build Will design and build the tank itself, with environmental controls. Will be responsible for building a Matlab or LabView control program.
T O BE DETERMINED BY MSD C OMMITTEE How many of the 12 Biomaterials Instructional Test Rigs will be built by their senior design team. Could build one machine per design iteration. Start dates for the 2 nd and 3 rd ASSET projects Biaxial Tension Tester Redesign & Build Indentation Tester Design & Build Environmental Chamber Design & Build
A UDIENCE F EEDBACK Remaining questions? MSD student surveys are sent out during the summer. If anyone is interested in working on either of the projects being started next Fall, enter it there.