Service Learning Going Green William Hamlette INT Service Learning 11/20/2012 4:28 PM
What is Service Learning Going Green? is a method of teaching that combines formal instruction with a related service in the community. offers students immediate opportunities to apply classroom learning to support the work of local agencies that often exist to effect positive change in the community. It can be very helpful to schools because it can help people build a very strong economy.
TIC Summer Camp This past summer I worked an internship with kids ages 8-16 that taught them how to recycle flash drives. We also gave students the opportunity to make video games on the computer and recycle their games onto a flash drive. The kids also got the opportunity to get a flash drive of their own.
How I Approached The Matter to The Kids! 1 st we told the kids to get in groups of two and we gave the group one flash drive. 2 nd we told them that the flash drives were not new they were old, but can be refurbished. 3 rd we put them up to a test to keep the flash drive for the whole time they were in camp!
Kids asked How do I Recycle a Flash Drive! You can mail your flash drive in to an e-waist recycling company. You can keep the flash drive for your work and just delete items that you do not use any more.
We Love Recycling Flash Drives! At the end of the internship the kids had to teach their parents how to recycle flash drives. The kids also had to bring back their flash drive that we gave them and they got to get a flash drive of their own. The camp also gives kids a challenge to show others how to recycle a flash drive and next summer they receive an award from the camp.