By: Akieba Alexander
A field of study associated with the teaching and learning of music. It touches on all domains of learning, including the psychomotor domain (the development of skills), the cognitive domain (the acquisition of knowledge), and, in particular and significant ways, the affective domain, including music appreciation sensitivity.
Success in society Success in school Success in developing intelligence Success in life
Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Improving melodies, variations, and accompaniments. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines. Reading and notating music. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. Evaluating music and music performances. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Father of Music Education In 1822 he went to Boston where he introduced music to Boston public Schools.
was a prominent music educator and composer who stressed the benefits of physical instruction and response to music. Although not really an educational method, his teachings reside within a fun, educational framework built on a solid grasp of basic music theory and music notation in various verbal and written forms.
Alfonso Loera Music Scholarship Fund Alfonso Loera Music Scholarship Fund Amateur Chamber Music Players, Inc. Amateur Chamber Music Players, Inc. American Musicological Society American Musicological Society Catherine Herrick Cobb Scholars in Music Catherine Herrick Cobb Scholars in Music Chopin Foundation of the United States Chopin Foundation of the United States
The Juilliard School Manhattan School of Music in New York Yale University Berklee College of Music Bucknell University DePauw University Yale University Vanderbilt University University of Texas Oberlin College and Conservatory
Music may achieve the highest of all mission: she may be a bond between nations, races, and states, who are strangers in many ways; she may unite what is disunited and bring peace to what is hostile. Dr. Max Bendiner
The schools that produced the highest academic achievement in the United States today are spending 20% to 30% of the day on the arts, with special emphasis on music. Students of lower socioeconomic status gain as much or more from arts instruction than those of higher socioeconomic status.