DCE5011 Principles of Adult Education Overview of Section 1: Two Sub-Topics -- Nature, scope and importance of Adult Education _Psychosocial factors affecting adults’ participation in Adult Education
TAKRUF Name:Azimi HamzahTenure: 40+ years Designation: Professor/Research Associate/Coordinator/Head Institute for Social Science Studies Commonwealth Diploma Youth in Development Youth Development Studies Department Academic Orientation: Bachelor - Entomology & Pathology Masters - Non-Formal Education Doctoral – Adult Learning and Youth Resource Development Communication: Tel E.Mail
Learning and School Education Birth Death AGEAGE Learning – Spectrum Where school takes a small portion SCHOOLSCHOOL 6 years 25 years Institutionalized little advance
Education and Learning zLook around us yWhere does education take place? yWhere does learning take place? zPonder on the following statement: yIn all education there is learning but not necessarily in all learning there is education
Adult Education and related concepts zAdult Education -- a process whereby persons, whose major social roles are characteristics of adult status, undertake systematic and sustained learning activities for purpose of bringing about changes in knowledge, attitudes, values or skills. (Darkenwald and Merriam, pg9)
Purposes of Adult Education zCultivation of intellect zindividual self-actualization zpersonal and social improvement zsocial transformation zorganizational effectiveness zNation building
Adult Education has been around for decades z Religious education z Agricultural Extension z Democratization of education z Community Education z Continuing Professional Education
Scope of Adult Education zVaried, includes both formal and non formal; private and public sector z4 typologies of adult learning opportunities: yindependent ad.edu. Organization yeducational institutions yquasi educational org. (eg. Library, museum) ynon educational org.(eg. Industry, armed forces)
Settings and scope of ad.edu zThere are differences between developed and third world countries zmajor areas in third world: yliteracy ycivil and political education yhealth and family life yagricultural and vocational education zwhere do you place Malaysia?
What are your understanding of the following concepts? zandragogy zContinuing education zlifelong education/learning znon formal education zcommunity education zgeneral/university extension zin service training
Categories of Adult Learners z Adults who are pursuing structured learning programmes z Adults who are pursuing non-structured learning programmes z Adults who are engaged in other forms of learning difference from the above
Adult Education opens the door to z Pursuing education in specific areas of interest z Formulate leraning program to fulfill needs of specific group z To further enhance existing skills z Inculcate values z Provide opportunities for study without having to leave vocation z Etc.
Importance of Adult Education zReasons for continued learning: yoccupational reasons ynew social roles and relationships ychanging interests and attitudes towards changing world/surroundigs zImportance of ad.edu may be viewed from: ydemographics (compare M’sia with the west) yeconomics(good times vs bad times) ytechnology (IT, knowledge 1/2 life, new t.tech)
Impact of Adult Education z Socio-economic (health and wellbeing, increase in agricultural productivity, skill development) z Psycho-social (ensuring harmony, tolerance and acceptance, civic consciousness, religious manifestation) zPhysical, environment and global scenarios, sustainable development, etc.
Citizen and human capitol zUpgrading socio-economic status zContribute to behavioral change: knowledge, attitude and practice zRealization of citizens’ expectation and nation’s goals zProviding and opening opportunities through formal, non-formal and informal education
How do see Adult Education in relation to: zAge of instant communication zWorld without economic boundaries zNew service society zNew age of Leisure zChanging shape of work zWomen in leadership z Growing underclass z Active aging of the population z New do-it-yourself boon z Triumph of individual z Discontinuity/ambival ence of values and beliefs
Reasons for participation and non participation zMotivational orientation of learners (goal, oriented, and learning orientations) zBarriers to participation (situational, institutional, dispositional, informational) zSocial perspective (maintenance of social system, reproduction of culture, individual advancement, legitimation, leisure time pursuit)
Reasons for continuing education among adults zUpward mobility z Leisure time z Professional Requirements z Solving ‘problems’ z Elaboration/deep appreciation of hobbies z Fulfilling developmental tasks z Fulfilling self satisfaction z Social responsibilities z...
Reasons for not pursuing continuing education z Financial z Time constraint z Low Self Esteem z Lack of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation z Lack of awareness z Distance from resources z Lack of opportunities z Health factors
Learning Styles (Rogers) zActivist - directly involve in activities zObservers - wait and watch, then act zTheorists - generalize exp. then apply zExperimenters - create and apply z(learning styles vary according to type of learning - memorize, acquisition, experiment)
Learning Styles zAuditory learners yLearn by hearing key points yLearning reinforce through spoken feedback yRecall best what they hearned zVisual Learners yLearn thro seeing key words in written form yRecall best when they read or seen yInterested in actual work, role play
Learning Styles zHands-on-learner yLearn thro actual practice yRespond well thro gp discussions yLearn better with first hand experience zMixture learning style yBest way to capture all audience
Adult Education for Transformation zPersonal transformation (individual personal growth) -- including self-worth, self-esteem and self confidence zSocial transformation – may include protection of the environment, attainment of sustainable development, civil issues of justice, human rights, and further development of participatory democracy zThe focus on changing the individual or on changing the society depend on the educator’s working philosophy of adult education.
DCE5011 Course Evaluation & Assignments
Course Evaluation z End of section/lecture assignments (the assignments are inter-related) 60% y Assignment 1 after First Lecture y Assignment 2 after Second Lecture y Assignment 3 after Third Lecture z Final examination 40% y Overall z Note: No Mid-semester examination
Assignment 1 zFor each sub-topic in the first lecture, read two related research based journal articles yPull out the salient points or findings yDiscuss the salient points in relation to the Adult Education scenario in Malaysia yWhat your assessment of the articles in relation to yourself (as an adult learner and practitioner)
Assignment 1 – Grading Criteria 1.Your ability to demonstrate your application of the main elements discussed during the lecture, from the course modules and related reference materials and also on your reflection and analysis. 2. Coherency of ideas written with appropriate APA style including correct spelling, punctuation and grammar, appropriate length.
The review questions following each sub-topic are your practice questions in preparation for the final examination (40%).
Adult educator’s working philosophy zGuided by the educator’s view of human beings, society, learners, and the learning process, will dictate which approaches zIf the adult educator limit the focus only on personal transformation, transformation the of the society will be curtailed zThus, the philosophy of Adult educators of the new millennium must advocate the philosophy that meet the economic, environmental, and social needs of tomorrow and beyond
What is Adult Education to You? zHow did you arrive at your philosophy? zWhat are your notions of the key elements of Adult Education? yLearner yContent yEducator/Facilitator yEnvironment yLearning Community zYour futuristic view of Adult Education