LONDON Have you ever been to London? Have you ever seen pictures of London? Do you know any famous sights?
London Where‘sLondon? Great Britain
■ London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. ■ It lies on the river Thames ■ It is the UK's largest and most populous area ■Almost 7 million people live there ■ Almost 7 million people live there ■ It covers an area of 1,580 square kilometres ■ It‘s a seat of the Government, the Parliament, Monarch, museums, galleries, theatres, and many Monarch, museums, galleries, theatres, and many historical buildings and parks. historical buildings and parks.
Buckingham Palace ■ it was built in 1703 ■ it was built in 1703 by the Duke of by the Duke of Buckingham Buckingham ■ about 400 people work there there ■ there are guards in red coats in front of red coats in front of the palace the palace ■ the queen lives there ■ it is a home and the office of British Monarchy of British Monarchy
The Tower of London ■ William the Conqueror began to build it ■ it was a fortress and later a prison ■ we can see the Crown Jewels there the Crown Jewels there ■ now there is a museum
Trafalgar Square ■ there‘s Nelson‘s Column (about 50 m high) ■ there are lot‘s of fountains, statues and pigeons ■ the famous National Gallery form one side of Trafalgar Square
The Houses of Parliament Are the political centre of the UK ■ Are the political centre of the UK and the home of The British and the home of The British Parliament Parliament ■ Houses of Parliament are famous for the clock tower called Big Ben named after its bell (it‘s 106m high and the minute hand is 4,25m long)
Tower Bridge ■ it was built in 1894 ■ it is the most famous bridge of London ■ it opens in the middle to allow ships to pass up the river to pass up the river (it takes 90 seconds to raise) (it takes 90 seconds to raise) ■ it opens 4 or 5 times a week
London Eye ■ this London attraction is on the bank of the River Thames ■ it is the biggest wheel in the world ■ it takes over 30 minutes to make a full circle and give you a great view of London view of London ■ it‘s 135m high and it weighs and it weighs 2,100 tonnes 2,100 tonnes
Other interesting places Madame Tussaud‘s- contains wax portraits of famous people
Downing Street 10 ■ it‘s home of Prime Minister since 1735 since 1735 Piccadilly Circus ■ this is the busiest and noisiest place, and noisiest place, it‘s a centre it‘s a centre of entertainment of entertainment Greenwich Observatory ■ you can stay with one foot East and one West astride the meridian of zero longitude astride the meridian of zero longitude
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