1 ECE Department Thermal Mapping Drone FPR Team 17 Jamyang Tenzin Stefan Totino Dylan Fallon Jason Fellow Advisor: Joseph Bardin
2 ECE Department Team 17 Jamyang Tenzin EE Jason Fellows EE Dylan Fallon EE Stefan Totino CSE Advisor: Joseph Bardin
3 ECE Department Overall Block Diagram
4 ECE Department System – Drone Arduino Mega Pin A9 from flight controller generating Pulse signal to arduino Power Module Flight ControllerMotor Unit IR- Sensor Unit RxTx Radio Controller Power Distribution signal
5 ECE Department Flight Controller – Stability methods 1.PID Tuning 2. Radio Controller Tuning
6 ECE Department PID tuning
7 ECE Department Radio Controller Tuning 1.Aileron Trim : Roll tuning 2.Elevon Trim : Pitch Tuning 3.Throttle Trim: Throttle Tuning 4.Rudder Trim: yaw Tuning Aileron Trim Elevon Trim Throttle Trim Rudder Trim
8 ECE Department New Sensing Process Pilot navigates to scan the roof. Trying to maintain uniform height of 3ft. If temp difference of 5˚C with respect to average is found. Signal pilot to stop Send temp readings and distance from drone to receiver. Picture is taken and transmitted Pilot signaled to continue scanning
9 ECE Department Sensing Process Code Temperatures scanned, stored in 64 value array Calculate average temp in array If one temp is the specified range above or below average.. Send temps to base Send distance to base Signal camera to take the picture Camera sends picture to base 32 bytes at a time Go back to scanning temps
10 ECE Department Receiving Process Data transmitted over radio link from Arduino on drone to receiving Arduino Data streamed from receiving Arduino to computer via serial link Text File is created from incoming serial data and passed to web application Web application processes data to render a jpeg image overlaid with a grid of temperature
11 ECE Department Newly Found Bottlenecks Baud Rate of Camera (38400 bps) Baud Rate governs how fast any serial transmission can happen Cannot be increased Highest resolution image is about 42K bytes Unreliable data transmission over USB from Arduino to PC Costly because this is causing web application to processes data from receiver further
12 ECE Department New Screenshot
13 ECE Department All Subsystems functionality/specifications Drone: Stable Flight: Yes Autonomous: No Flight Time: 5 min Total Weight: 1360g Power supply: 11.1V, 1800mAh Max height ~ 50 ft Radio Link: Data Rate: Range:300 ft Data Transmission: Yes Sensing unit: 16x4 pixel array Temp range: -50C to 300C W/0.1C accuracy 60 Degree FOV Base-station App: Creates an image from bytes serial communication w/ arduino overlays image with IR grid
14 ECE Department Proposed FPR Deliverables Improve Radio Link Solve interface problem between drone and base station computer Might do autonomous capability depending on time restrictions
15 ECE Department Problems Camera Malfunctioning Only outputting highest resolution (640x480) Limiting transmission speed of image Autonomous Flight Sacrificed Data from receiving Arduino is unreliable HTTP request times out sometimes before image can be rendered
16 ECE Department Accomplishments Flight stable with good altitude hold Integrated receiving Arduino on Web App on same computer IR data is correctly displayed over jpeg image Soldered Circuit Board Transmission time cut down Previously 12K bytes in 16 seconds, now 42K bytes in 20 seconds 3D printed enclosure